Hi everyone I know I'm not the only Twilight fan on TheO! So you're probably wondering "What are you going to talk about" and stuff like that right? Well even if I'm wrong I'll talk about

  • Twilight
  • New Moon
  • Eclipse
  • Breaking Dawn (I'll have spoiler alerts promise)
  • Some fanfics I would request (if you like fanfics)
  • Some poems (I've written or found)
  • Reviews (by me) of the books
  • Songs I think fit characters
  • Things about different characters
  • And things like that

I hope you'll read my site and like it. That would really make me smile And I may be a little judgemental on some of the characters but I'll try not to be! Also! I'm sure you're also thinking "what team are you on?" I'm mostly for the vampires-I love them so much-but I also like the werewolves. Of course around my sister I have to hate the wolves but she doesn't have an account so I can like them Also-please don't say "Oh they suck and they rule" if you'll be judgy I'll kick you outa my world.

Also the Cullens in my fav. order

  • Jasper (my baby)
  • Rosalie
  • Alice
  • Emmett
  • Carlisle
  • Esme
  • Edward


  • Seth
  • Embry
  • Jared
  • Leah
  • Sam
  • Quil
  • Paul
  • Jacob
  • Collin and Brady (not mentioned much so of course at the bottom!)

I do NOT have a list of the humans I like...Angela is the only one I like and I think I spelled her name wrong XD Oh well! Haha.

Well bye everyone
♥pUrPlE rOsE lUvS tWiLiGhT♥

Sam Uley

So I was thinking about werewolves all day today (dunno why) and I figured I should write a post about the Alpha of the pack Sam Uley. Not many like him because he's

  • Moodless/Emotionless
  • Quite
  • Mean (yes I've heard people call him mean!)

And I mean-Sam is one of my favorites. His past somewhat makes me sad.

  • He's dad left
  • He was the first to phase
  • He couldn't phase back for 2 weeks
  • He was dating Leah
  • He had to break her heart because he imprinted* on Emily (her second cousin)
  • Leah later phased and he has to share a mind with her

I mean on some of that you have to feel bad for him. But a small bio on Sam up to Eclipse I got off of TwilightLexicon.com (amazing site-if you've never been there go now! But don't read the bio's I'll put them all up after a while)

Personal history: Sam was the first of the boys on the Rez to hit puberty and become a werewolf once the Cullens moved back to Forks. The first time he met Bella he explained how the Cullens were not welcome at First Beach or anywhere near the La Push area.(TW6)

As the other boys on the Rez became werewolves one by one, Sam took on the role of leading then through their change and helping them become accustomed to their new life. To outsiders, it seemed as if he had started a little cult. (NM7) When Jacob becomes a werewolf, it was Sam who told him he couldn’t share the information with Bella. (NM12) Once Bella did figure out the truth, Sam accepted her help with the search for Victoria. (NM13)

Sam is currently engaged to Emily. One night Sam lost control of his anger and accidentally hurt Emily, leaving her scarred on her face and hand. Despite that, Sam loves her unconditionally. He has never forgiven himself for being so careless.(NM15)

Because of becoming a werewolf, Sam was forced to turn down a college scholarship. (NM7)

Also Sam wanted to throw himself infront a bus for hurting Emily like he did-give him some love people. Now I'm not saying everyone hates him and stuff-I have met people that love Sam but for those that do hate him try to understand some sad things about his past.

That's all for know!
<3pUrPlE rOsE lUvS tWiLiGhT<3

If you want to know a bit more about a certain character comment it and I'll post about them as soon as possible!

*The star will mean I will explain at the end incase you don't know. So Imprinting. It's when you find your soul-mate and you want to protect them from anything and everything and they are the most important thing ever. It's not gravity holding you on earth anymore it's them-you'll do anything for them. Also in Eclipse you find out Quil imprinted on Emily's niece Claire and Jacob said that Quil can be anything Claire needs him to be: a brother, a friend.
If you still have any questions ask in the comments

Sam Uley in the movie
