Twin Souls

This is a place to celebrate the beauty that is the love and friendship Ukitake and Shunsui share.

If anybody wants to post any links to any fanart, fancomics or fanfiction about this pair please feel free.


One Thousand Paper Cranes - 1

Oh dear, I was stupid and didn't in fact post the story last time.... *stupid brain*

So lets just try that again shall we?

Author's Note : I do not own Bleach, I just wish I did..

One Thousand Paper Cranes
Chapter One – It begins

Kuchiki Byakuya looked out over Soul Society, he often watched the dawn rise before beginning his day’s work; he found this time of day perfect for gathering his thoughts and planning what needed to be done so that he always seemed to be perfectly in control and prepared for any situation – that was one mark of a true noble.

A tiny movement flickered in his peripheral vision and he extended a finger gracefully for the Hell Butterfly to alight; a brief flicker of annoyance flashed over his face before the mask of neutrality settled again.

Kuchiki Taicho; Kurotsuchi Taicho requests your presence at 12th Squad Headquarters immediately.

What could he want? Byakuya had no patience with Kurotsuchi Mayuri; he found the scientist distasteful in every way and avoided any unnecessary contact, still a summons from another Captain could be important and he would go to find out what he was needed for.

He gazed impassively at Nemu, Mayuri’s odd Lieutenant, as he waited for the other Captain to appear; it was incredibly bad manners to not be here to receive him after he had called the summons, but he did not show his anger except in a slight crease in his forehead.

“Byakuya-san,” Mayuri’s distinctive voice sounded behind Byakuya’s head. “I need access to your library and your stupid servants won’t allow me in.”
Byakuya closed his eyes brief; Mayuri’s tendency to become agitated easily irritated him.

“Of course you were not allowed entry.” His voice was dismissive, soft.

The mask Mayuri constantly wore prevented Byakuya seeing his reaction but he could tell the other man was angry, he wore his emotions on his sleeve; he sighed silently, he simply could not make himself feign interest for this now – he would allow Mayuri access for one day if only to shut him up.

Byakuya reached inside his robes and withdrew a small red token made from glass; it was a circular disc approximately two inches in diameter with the Kuchiki crest emblazoned on it, he dropped it on Mayuri’s desk and silently walked out.

Once inside his own headquarters he relaxed a little, not that it showed visibly, but he felt calmer being in his own sanctuary. Putting Mayuri, and why he may have needed access to the Kuchiki library, out of his mind he decided to complete some paperwork before his subordinates arrived.

As he turned the corner to his office he stopped dead, not much could make Kuchiki Byakuya show emotion but now he stood staring with his mouth agape; luckily none of his subordinates were around to witness it. The thought of somebody seeing him made Byakuya snap his mouth shut so quickly he bit his tongue, grimacing slightly he approached the cause of his surprise – the door to his office, sealed every night by himself using Kidou, was wide open.

He placed a hand deliberately on his Zanpaktou and walked into his office, nothing seemed out of place but on his perfectly tidy desk was a tiny crane made from paper; he picked it up, careful not to crush the delicate origami folds and examined it.

It was completely plain except for the name Kuchiki Byakuya and the number 6…
