This is a little corner where I write down what's interesting in my life. Enjoy. I hope I don't end up writing anything distressing, but that may occur.


Savages Bleach

I am finally back, I think. I have been constantly falling behind or getting sick. *scratches back of neck* I think depression snuck on me once or twice. I apologize for the disappearing act, and I hope this is over.

Here is a video I meant to put up before this all.

Quite Bad Luck

Hello, my friends, I hope you have enjoyed your Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, I became sick a couple days beforehand and remained sick on the holidays. However, I recovered two days afterwards. That being said, it seems by rushing to catch up before the best holidays, I have managed to become sick once more. I will talk to you all as soon as I am able.


I apologize for my recent absence. It seems all the sicknesses hovering around me have finally got to me. I am sick with a flu. I will see you all when I recover.

A surprising cast

YouTube really is interesting. *chuckles with a wide grin* Don't click on it if you don't want to laugh. *laughs brightly* It's a little dangerous.

Return and Bleach Video

Recently, I returned from my leave of my absence, and I am in much better state. The sight I visited was quite different from the warm summer here in Soul Society, as windy and still as it has always been. Perhaps I'll give you all a story about it at a later date.

I have much to do, but I hope, in September, I will be available more easily.

Enjoy the video of the recently joined Vizards. It's quite nice to see you all again.