This is a little corner where I write down what's interesting in my life. Enjoy. I hope I don't end up writing anything distressing, but that may occur.


What a Fun Diversion~

Mistletoe Tag Game

Here's what you have to do:

1) I will post a name at the end of this post.

2) The person will take this picture (the one up there ^^) and use it to start off a post in their world.

3) Answer the 5 Christmas/Holiday questions I've given.

4) The you must list one or two of your favorite anime/manga characters or a fellow RPer or a friend that you would like to kiss. (keke~ XP)

5) List three reasons why you chose them.

6) Pick one person to tag, and give them 5 new questions. (You may repeat ONE question if you can't think of anything else.)

7) The person you tagged must complete steps 2-6, and may no tag someone who has already been tagged.

If you run out of RPers to tag but still want to continue it, pick one of your other Otaku friends. It'll be fun that way. Just make sure to tell them the rules.


Two Anime Characters/ Rpers; Three Reasons:

(Doing this part as OOC)

1) Fai D. Flourite

He's one of the my top favorite characters of all. His reason for smiling has helped me in more than one occasion to stay optimistc or not give up. I want to make a new tribute to him now XD

2) Nnit (rper)

He's a great person to have around when you need someone to talk to. He has a fun, stress-free attitude towards life (impatience is a virtue xD ). He's a wonderful partner in crime for creating plot twists and brought Phoenix into the RP.


Here are my 5 answered questions:

(Doing this part IC)

1) What's your best Christmas memory?

Hmmm, that's a difficult one. *smiles and chuckles* I think it would be the year I had an attack during the holidays and couldn't decorate so Shunsui and Nanoe came over to help Kaien cheer me up and help with my decorating ideas for that year, though Shunsui ended up falling over more than helping. I think Shunsui's hints about the importance of mistletoe and Nanoe's holding the lights had something to do with that.

2) How many Christmases have you had?

Over 500. I rarely miss it. It cheers the squad each year and you rarely see that many smiles in one place.

3) Have you seen Santa?

No, *laughs lightly* sorry Toshiro. I have not, but I don't think the mistletoe and decorating as much as we do is his job.

4) Have you ever been kissed by Shunsui under the mistletoe?

*laughs and puts a hand to his head* Which one would that be, I wonder. *calms down* I have. He gets drunk easily during the holidays and more than one occasion has grabbed and kissed me instead of Nanoe near the end of a celebration. You could say that she uses me as a shield when he gets that way *rubs back of head* He looks quite crestfallen when he realizes that he kissed me and not her, not that it thaws her cold expression. *laughs quietly to himself*

5) What do you want most for Christmas, if you could have anything?

*closes eyes* Peace. No more wars. And I would wish that children wouldn't feel so hurt if they are born different than others.


My 5 questions are:

1) What's your craziest Christmas memory?
2) Do you prefer how you celebrate Christmas in Karakura Town or how you would spend it in Soul Society before your banishment?
3) What is your craziest mistletoe story?
4) What is the strangest item you've received for Christmas?
5) Have you done any experiments to reveal the truth of Santa Claus?

Remember that I can't be tagged again *light smile* and have fun.

I TAG: Kisuke Urahara

LOL. I can't even do a short tag without making it long~

Preparation for the Coming Storm

Continued from: Truth From Answers

Juushiro, arms full of books and paper, a bottle of ink precariously on top, pushed a side door open with his elbow. He sighed, grateful that it was unlocked and pushed past on the way to his rooms. A wave of dust rose from the pile as he set them down on the window table. The captain retrieved the slip of paper he had received from the archive keepers from within one volume and set it on top, the better not to misplace it when he needed to return the books.

He would prefer not to receive another lecture on forgetting said paperwork later. He had enough on his mind.

Juushiro rubbed his right shoulder. It would also be easier if the most pertinent books he needed for his search were allowed to be removed from the archives, yet he understood the reason for the rule. They were too old, too fragile. Most hadn't even been put into the electronic system.

Juushiro frowned. The delicate nature of those books begged the question each time he pondered it. Aizen had spent many a night in the archives as a lieutenant. Had he made his way that deep into its collection? If he had, why didn't he destroy them afterwards?

What was his ultimate goal?

Juushiro put a hand to his forehead. That line of thought yielded little answers, only more painful headaches.

He needed a cup of tea to sort himself out. He couldn't concentrate like this, and - the message left on his breakfast table formed in his mind - if he was correct, he had little time to not be focused.

He let his hand rest on the top volume of his stack, Bankais and their Evolution with their Masters, for a moment longer before leaving the room, halted once more by dry coughs.

Continued in: Peace Broken

What Do Children Adore...

Connected to: Price of the Riddler's Fun "You will know that I am coming From the jingle of my bell, But exactly wh...

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Previous: Thoughts Recalled During the Dark of the Night He'd brought a watermelon this time, as an excuse and had bee...

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Thoughts Recalled During the Dark of the Night

It was late at night and most of the thirteenth squad had retired for the night. Curled over their own stacks of paperwork, Kiyone and Sentaro, the third seats, were no exception. They had tried once more to keep up with their captain, but here h...

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