This is a little corner where I write down what's interesting in my life. Enjoy. I hope I don't end up writing anything distressing, but that may occur.


Misplaced it.... where?

Oh dear, had their captain finally cracked?!

Another cloud of dust left the captain's quarters, followed by his shape, though his haori was covered in dust and his hair was no longer shining, as he sat a chair down. What was going on?!

Spotting his third seats staring at him, Ukitake chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "There's nothing to worry about. I'm just cleaning out my -" He tumbled on the mat he'd tossed earlier, cried out, and fell in a heap of furniture and cushions. A wave of dust shot up, obscuring him for a moment. "Really," he called out and winced an old pottery cup fell on his head, "everything is fine."

For a moment, there was silence. Then...

"Ukitake Taichou, punish me! It's obviously my fault that you're doing this. I left you too much paperwork to do and you-you..." Kiyone Kotetsu went flying as a shoe planted in her face and another figure fell over himself in a dogeza in frout of Ukitake.

"No, I! I am the one to blame. I obviously should have asked another captain for help. Your fragile state of mind is obviously-"

Another faceplant, this time from Kiyone to the now flying Sentaro Kutsubaki. "BAKA! You don't have enough manners to address our perfect captain, let alone enough brains to ask for help!"




"Sentaro, Kiyone-chan, calm down please," Ukitake murmured, standing upright again and massaging his head. "What seems to be the matter?"

The two distraught third seats whirled on him like a tidal wave.


"YOUR ROOM IS ALWAYS," a sniff from Sentaro, "in perfect shape, even when dusty. Your DESTROYING IT," he moaned, "is all our fault."

Captain Ukitake blinked twice. "Why you two.." he chuckled and placed a hand on both of the distressed heads. "I'm quite alright. There's no reason for you to be so worried. It's alright," he said slowly, all the while petting their heads, "I am not having a breakdown. I've just misplaced something very important."

"Really?" Kiyone said, voice lilting in hope.

"You're not going to fire us?" Sentaro murmured from his side.

"Even though we don't like each other?" they both asked in chorus.

Ukitake chuckled nervously. "I am quite sure. I've never had finer third seats."

"YATTTA!!!!!!!" they both hollered, nearly toppling Ukitake into his pile again. Both grabbed a hand to stop him. "Sorry, Taichou."

"Ooooooiiii, someone here?"

"Yikes!" Kiyone and Sentaro burst to their feet. "We-we left the gate open-" Sentaro sputtered.

"-and no one guarding it either," Kiyone finished, groaning.

"Well, if I was an enemy, you'd both be in trouble, wouldn't you," an amused voice murmured from around the bend. Pink kimono swaying in the breeze, Captain Kyouraku winked. "Boo!"


"Shunsui," Juushiro sighed, placing hands on his third seats again, "don't go riling them up. I just barely got them to settle down."

The captain of the 8th division chuckled. "They do have something right though. Your room is in a right state of disaster."

Juushiro laughed lightly. "It wasn't that bad until I panicked," he stated, rubbing the back of his neck once more, spreading dust.



"Oi, Oi, you two, don't you have work to do?" Kyouraku inquired quickly, interrupting the wave, and fanning away the dust with his hat.

"We do..."


"I can handle it from here." Kyouraku smirked. The two wavered.

"Here," he tossed his hat at Kiyone, "hang that up somewhere. And you," he pointed at Sentaro, "don't you prepare tea and snacks for your guests?"


"Then," Kyouraku paused for effect, "what are you waiting for?" He winked again.

"Aaaaah, nothing."

"Nothing at all," Kiyone barked, grabbing a fist of his kimono, "we'll get those things right away." She paused and bowed both of them to the ground. "Shitsure shimasu."

Shunsui laughed. "Those two never change, don't they? They still walk all over you like mother hens."

"And you still scatter them like leaves in the wind," Juushiro added, taking a seat. "How are things with Nanoe or is she the reason you are here?"

"Nanoe.... -chan?" Kyouraku repeated slowly. "Ano, I think she's ..." he slumped and chuckled with a wry grin, "probably still made at me for sleeping when she arranged the squad's meeting."

"Again," Juushiro chuckled, wiping off his haori.

"Hey, hey, I attended the last one, and no one knows but you and me. My squad wouldn't tell a soul. What are you doing here? It's been ages since you've lost something and couldn't find it amongst your library books."

Juushiro sighed with another anxious chuckle. "I looked there first. It's not there, even after I put everything back in its place, and I knew I had it two days ago."

"You sure you can't just buy another?"

Juushiro righted a pottery cup. "No matter how far back our friendship goes, Shunsui, I doubt you'd redo the flower art on that cup."

A moment of silence fell. Then a loud groan echoed out over the grounds. "You haven't thrown that stupid graduation gift away yet!?"

The original reason the Captain of the 8th division had come over, to discuss the young Hitsugaya, and the particular reason Juushiro had torn his room apart for the cup at that moment, for the notes to Urahara he'd placed inside it, were quickly forgotten as both of them started talking all at once about Kyouraku's old art hobby.


Rper: Meant to be a short post, but it got out of hand. Enjoy~

Savages Bleach

I am finally back, I think. I have been constantly falling behind or getting sick. *scratches back of neck* I think depression snuck on me once or twice. I apologize for the disappearing act, and I hope this is over.

Here is a video I meant to put up before this all.

Video Break

Hope you enjoy it.