Thoughts Recalled During the Dark of the Night

"Espada?" Juushiro repeated, a hint of steel entering his tone, recalling the latest injuries to Rukia Kuchiki, his former subordinate, at the hand of one.

"I have tried," Kita replied shaking her head, "No matter where I go, even if I conseal my power. He finds me." She then gave a laugh to Kisuke, "it seems we all have a lot to learn about you."

"What happened to you, Kita?" Juushiro asked.

Kita looked to Juushiro, "I was a human girl that live in this town. Aizen discovered me and had me taken to Las Noches. He later ordered his espada Ulquiorra to kill me. After I was dead my soul was trapped in an arrancars body. He was able to do this with his hougyoku."

"My hougyoku." Kisuke corrected her.

Juushiro sighed, setting his tea down and taking Kita's hand in his.  "I apologize for bringing up bad memories, Kita-chan. Someday, justice will be served to Aizen for all the evil he has caused in the Realms.  It's a pity you are one of his victims."

Kita smiled warmly at Juushiro and softly tightened her grip around his hand, "It's alright I have come to trems with this. I just hope the justice I have faintly remembered from my memories returning will not affect the ones that have been a help to me." She looked to Kisuke and smiled at him as well.

Kisuke smiled at Kita in return, "You know I am always here for you. Always have been, my dear Kita."

"Justice will come, someday, and probably not as soon as we would like, but it wil," Juushiro murmured quietly and rose from his seat.  "I hope I have the chance to see you again, Kita." He turned to Kisuke.  "I should return to Soul Society before I am missed. I'm sure I can leave the rest to your capable hands."

Kisuke nodded, "Everything will be fine. I got this end covered like a warm blanket."

Kita stood as she bowed to Juushiro once more, "It was nice to meet you to Captain, and I as well hope we get to meet again."

"Be careful returning home Juushiro, and come back and see me again." Kisuke smiled at him as he left the room....

. . . . .

That had been his first visit to Kisuke and his first meeting with Kita, yet another youth Aizen had left his mark on. As it was with Toshiro and Momo, Izuru and Renji...

Juushiro coughed into his hand before automatically looking for the crimson stain on his hand. Relief swept through him at its absence, yet his eyebrows knitted together a moment later. He hoped the dry cough was proof to him pushing himself too hard too soon, and not something else...

Juushiro affixed his seal to another document, set it aside for his third seats to prepare it for delivery the next day, and rose from his desk. He penned a note for those in his care and left through his back porch.

He'd use the remainder of the night to do some light tranining.

This was created after Kisuke's post to explain how Juushiro would know Kita, but he didn't know she's a seraph, only a good friend of Kiuske's, which is enough reason to trust her, arrancar or not.

Followed by: Revelations