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Konnichiwa/Konbanwa people. Im Amber and Im 14(now 17) years old XD. lol well any way....my top 5 sexyie's are Ulquiorra Schiffer (bleach), L (death note), Sesshomaru (Inuyasha), Rolo (Code Geass), and Viral (Gurren Lagann)....im pretty random at times so...yeah just a warning you....oh and im trying to learn Japanese with rosettastone.... so thats a work in progress


Herp Derp And What Not....you

you.... i havent drawn in over a year.... im sorry.... and normally, I am on here so yeah... i might get back to drawing... lots has happened.... most not good... but i will be going to China soon ^^ i cant wait ^^

Crash and Burn might stop contest!!!

well it seems that when ever things are starting to look really good for me something bad has to happen to mess it all up...

so first i want to say im sorry for not being on.... and i might not be able to be on all the time either.... my computer had a huge crash and burn and now it wont even get to the desktop.... im in the middle of trying to fix it but got is it going to piss me off if i do and i lost all my memory on there.... i had like.... thousands of pics on there that were hard as hell to find it it took me for ever!!! and not to mention i might lose rosetta stone which i cant redownload and it cost 500 $!!! this really sucks so i will try to be on still.... i need to be on for grimmjow month... this also means that drawing will be put off for a while (not only because im depressed but because my scanner wont work with it either..... idk im just so attached to my computer..... i hope he comes out of this ok....it says that its missing a file or somthing like that..... so it wont start.... i dont know DX

so while i was gone, i went to this dinner thing for ppl that got onto honers or what ever... i might go on the trip that they offer.... its to great escape...i havent ever gone so i thought that i should go this time XD and i i guess it will be a fun thing to do....even tho im scared of heights... like roller coasters.... maybe i can face my fear this year XD

im also running for senator of my class XD i think im going to win too lol ppl love me XD and i had to do a speech today.... people liked my speech so i think i got it lol.... one other kid thats running for it has red hair and ppl that are voting for me want to vote for him too because then the 2 senators will have red hair XD they suck lol.... my slogan was "vote for Hall and you'll get it all!" and i have been saying "vote for Amber" to like everyone XD

i hope i can be on for grimmy month and i need to check my messages... im so so so sorry that i couldnt.....


i was board and i decided to make a challenge XD

its for grimmjow and byakuya month XD join it if you want

picture in the making....

so im drawing a pic... of ulquiorra.... again XD but the skin color wont show up when i scan it and it makes me sad....

but i like his hair so far XD im using a few techniques that i dont normally do.... but once again i have edited out the sword DX i just cant draw them and i dont want it to mess up my picture XD

bleach sucked today XD kubo needs to really just think about this.... toshito... vs the 3rd espada?!?!? and he is fine???? waht the hell is that?!?!? toshiro would be getting his ass kicked if he wasnt such a loved character.... (not by me that is) but you know.... like.... weather you like him or not.... its just... dumb..... he would be getting killed!!!

always a win for the shinigami...... no matter who they fight

and aizen is all confident..... i wonder if he has something like..... a back up plan??? because right now all he has is halibel, stark, and the old dude...but he did say before "stick with me and you wont be defeated"..... so i guess we will see ne?

The Death Of Rolo...it makes me sad

go code geass made me so sad.... i loved Rolo.... but at least he dies happy....

at least bleach was cool.... i loved grimmy's voice and szayel's brother's voice too XD..... it was funny tho... charisy had been saying that she would call me but i figured it was just a joke... then no sooner did bleach come on did the phone read "incoming call" XD so we watched bleach together XD

i have a ton of home work i need to make up for school... at least its going to be a half a day XD

im still working on my newest pic.... its so HOT!! XD im sorry i just love ulqui so much XD

and i will have my other ones up on monday.... i will put doing that before homework XD

my prisma pencils rock XD i love them lol and i cant wait to get my electric sharpener XD so much time will be saved XD

i wonder who i will draw next..... XD god i love to draw lol im so glad that i have been drawing like... nonstop XD it akes me so happy lol

and so does my scanner