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Konnichiwa/Konbanwa people. Im Amber and Im 14(now 17) years old XD. lol well any way....my top 5 sexyie's are Ulquiorra Schiffer (bleach), L (death note), Sesshomaru (Inuyasha), Rolo (Code Geass), and Viral (Gurren Lagann)....im pretty random at times so...yeah just a warning you....oh and im trying to learn Japanese with rosettastone.... so thats a work in progress


new scanner and new pics!!!

im going to get a scanner on friday!! XD yay me lol and im skipping school today and tomorrow XD yay me lol

i finished my orihime pic and now im drawing some one else..... it took me a while to pick who because all i want to draw is uluiorra and i have so many pics of him already..... so i have decided to draw.... ulquiorra XD

but he is like.... shirtless kinda~♥ XD so sexy...... one of the only good things ichigo did..... out of like 2 thing XD is 1- he ripped ulqui's shirt off-ish and then 2- he died..... again and again and aigain XD it makes me happy lol

the only reason i drew orihime is because i thought that the girl who showed ulquiorra he had a heart should have some respect.... and then im drawing ulquiorra so i can have the 2 pics next to each other XD

i need to draw ishida.... he needs some respect too being that he kinda saved ulqui.... and then ulqui saved him and orihime and ichigo..... but any way....

uhhhhh what else..... i guess thats really it XD iummmmm.... my crappy colored pics will be up sooon enough for all that care XD

Mah birthday in on Saturday

wow its been so long since i have posted on here.....well any way i didnt go to school on the 5th because i didnt want to

it was fun XD

i drew christy's pic of OMGhisnameis______ and i also drew one os szayel....

but it will be a while until i can get them on.... sarah's scanner isnt up and running XD but i hope to get one for my birthday XD

i found a skin color pencil!!!!!! and it worked XD yay lol its like opening a whole new door of color~♥ XD

i have been able to snap!!! i have never been able to do that before!!! XD i think it started on..... saturday or something XD but yay lol it makes me so happy lol....

my birthday in on saturday

im going to have a party and i have been saving it all..... its hard not to eat it XD

i think that there is a 4 day weekend coming up too.... i cant wait...

so yeah thats a basic up date for you all..... all that i can remember any way XD

hope you have a good day ^_^


OMG XD i stayed up and watched anime to night XD it was amazing!~♥ lol and i got to hear ulquiorra's english voice!~♥ XD its not really what i imagined it to be..... but i get that allot like with shinji's voice at first but i think that i like it better now XD and i dont have that much of a problem with ulqui's voice.... its just not as..... deep as i thout it would be.... i mean its good and all..... but i think it should have been a little bit deeper... yet not as deep as in the bleach game XD maybe its only because im so used to that voice XD but any way the point it i think i like it XD and i squeed so much XD but i had to try not to being that i didnt want to miss any of the seynes XD god it was so awesome!!! lol (now i am used to ulqui's voice btw XD)

code geass was good too XD wow i was shocked at what lelouch told suzaku XD

god there was this thing for cinco de mayo today across the street..... and they played really anoying music.... not so much the music as the base.... something about base makes me go crazy XD i hate it so much!!! lol it made me have a head ache..... but i did start some random line art today XD i think i like how the hand is coming out.... for once XD i hope it's any good but being that i lack a good skin color pencil..... its going to be hard to work with XD

god i think i need to hear his voice again... its not sticking in my mind XD it makes me sad lol i want to hear him talk more!!! but i guess im just going to have to wait until my birthday.... oh what a great birthday that will be XD god he is so sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol what a way to end ulqui month huh? XD

sorry for your loss.........

well i made this as a card for me really....(but i couldnt make it into one because the size is a pain!....) just because i needed something to make me feel better and to laugh about something.... so why not make it the very thing that has been bothering me so much? XD and yes i did stitch it XD its the little gray lines lol......and i tried to put it under the miss you card type.... try to guess why XD

hmmm there's still blood every where..... well in the process of fixing this picture ichigo's hand did get kinda.... cut so......... maybe its coming from there XD but yeah..... this is how that part should have been..... just them standing in the air magically for no reason XD