So, craptastic week.
I never got to move, because my friends and I were jilted on the apartment.
Came up with some bullshit story that should've been told the day it was PAID for. But, whatevs.
So, I'm stuck here in this boring town, retrying to get jobs for the hundredth time.
But, it's not all bad. The weather's looking up, it stopped snowing and everything. Perfect weather to start walking around town again.
Guess I got a little crazy being stuck inside during the winter. Eheh. :3
Been busy and whatnot. Going around job hunting, working out (i'm purdeh fat. >_>), and generally just being around town.
I've been having fun.
But, of course, with my life, all fun can't go without a dark shadow behind it.
I've been having these really weird dreams/nightmares a lot lately.
Some are really stupid, so stupid that I wonder why even I got up in fear. |:
And some make me really regret stuff. - -;
This one last night was just.. weird.
Had to redo high school, isn't that weird?
To make matters weirder, all my high school friends that I had back in high school.. were in this dream high school. The hell's going on with that?
And when I say all, I mean all. Unfortunately, my ex was there too.
Yeah, weird.
Like, dude, besides me having to be here.. what the hell are YOU doing here?
And, as things go, I make friends with some girl, who I've no idea where she came from or anything. Mystery girl.
And my ex, of course, flies off the handle. Like she does nowadays.
Like, dude, you're not my girlfriend anymore.. so.. stop worrying about who I make friends with. And don't you have a boyfriend now? Why are you worrying about me. |:
I'unno. It was an extremely weird dream. And the only class I had was English.
My best subject in high school was ENGLISH. But I had to redo it, for some reason.
It was epically strange. I don't even.. words are just not enough to describe the weirdness.
All in all, the days are going to be busy. I /have/ to start working out more.
So says my parents.. and various.. exercise people.. < <;
While I'm doing that, I'm still looking for jobs. Looking looking looking, ALWAYS LOOKING.
But, at least I'll have something to do now WHEN I don't find that job.
So it's all chill.
Just wish I'd stop having these weird dreams.
So I can get a full night's sleep.
Yup, that's about it people.
I'll be boring you again in a few weeks, when I feel the need to.
Talk to y'all later.
Aru.. right?
i am moving.
just 2 hours east.
nothing too huge, but it's a move.
some shit blew down around my parent's house.
between my sister and i, we both said what was on our minds.
well, i said what was on my mind. it sounded as though she just said random stuff that she thought would annoy me. it didn't, and it actually.. proved my point against her..
i mean, it's complete crap that she was just using my parents.
they did everything they could for her, and she complained about every bit of it.
not cool.
though, while i was telling her the truth, she also said a truth about me.
i don't do anything for my parents, i don't take them for granted like she does, but i don't really do anything for them.
so, i decided it actually is time to move out.
seriously, can't be expected to do nothing all my life.
i actually looked into a few jobs the few times i went to rapid, the place i'm moving to, and i found a couple of good places that'd be willing to hire me.
one is a gamestop. i love playing video games and stuff, and i know the guy who works there, so i'm hoping it'd be a good idea to work in a video game store.
the other place is a guitar shop. i don't know how to play guitar that well, but i do know about guitars. the hardware, and the maintenance. i don't know everything, but i'm completely willing to learn it all.
it's going to become exciting for me soon.
maybe i'll have more to talk about rather than "what game i played today" or, "what i want to do" or anything.
plus, i can start actually moving towards what i want with my life.
i don't know what that is, but a little life experience can help me find out.
but, other than all that.
this week (hopefully) is good-bye week.
i already told a couple of my friends. (reaction in title)
my parents, namely my mom, aren't really taking it well.
she keeps trying to convince me to stay.
i don't completely get it, i mean.. it's only 2 hours away.
but, moms will be moms i guess.
i haven't had a chance to tell everyone.
i'm just trying to make plans to hang out with everyone before i leave.
another good idea with all this.. is that i can get a job and save up a lot of money.
then i can go up to north dakota to see a great friend.
i've been wanting to go visit her for a long time.
completely awesome.
that'd be completely great to do.
.. OH.
also, dude.
i have teal hair. (see below ._.)
it's really cool.
it will also most likely hinder my chances at a job.
well, certain ones.
i hope not, though.
it's just a different color.
doesn't mean i'll be.. all..
like. slacker or weird or different in any way.
it was originally just going to be a light blonde.
like, platinum.
with some teal in it.
but then i really liked how the teal turned out..
so i did my whole head teal.
well, i'm really getting lost in my head.
thinking about this move, and the possibilities.
not to mention what to do when i get there.
so, i'ma go write something.
or make a plan or talk to someone.
either way, i'll leave you all alone.
see ya.

I'ma shoot for properly capitalizing this time around.
So, here we go.
Rabbits. New rabbit in the house.
I call him/her Peppy. (DO A BARREL ROLL.)
Kids call him/her Shadow. (It's black and white, mainly black. Soooo~)
Sister calls him/her Hopper. (Such a lame name. >_>)
I don't know its gender.
I'm not a vet, you see, nor a rabbit expert. Hell, this is the first time I've ever been in the same vicinity as a rabbit. That.. was.. tame?
You get the point.
Probably not a good idea to call him/her three different names, either.. But, what can ya do.
Hair. Blonde and green hair.
Yes, that I have.
I was kinda miffed when a relative brought football into it.
"You a Packers fan?"
".. I'm not manly enough for football, sir."
I wish. I just said, "NO."
No sir, no football for me. Too competitive for my nature.
Plans to move, I haz them.
Either to.. the city 100 +/- miles west from my current living space.
To Rapid City, South Dakota. With my ex. (Bad idea, most likely.)
Or to some town in.. Arizona, I think.. with my eldest sister.
They both have job opportunities. (UNLIKE THIS FFFFKINSSHTPLACE.)
Quite the good idea, if I do say so myself. (Half.)
I totally watched.. Yumekui Merry, the episodes that are available. Need to watch 7 before 8 comes out.
Then I watched.. Jellyfish Princess? Or vice-versa. Kuragehime!
Let's go with that title.
Then I started Shiki.
Finished Ore no Imoto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai. (Long title is long.)
I like telling my friends the title, Japanese style.
They're just like, ".. uh.."
Let's see.. what else..
I watched.. K-on! (and !!) over and over and over again.
Favorite series still. EVAH!
And Soul Eater.
How can I miss so much?! T~T
Well, it's awesome. I love it.
Omamori Himari, Fortune Arterial, Yosuga no Sora (o___o;), Valkyria Chronicles (I actually need to finish that) and a few others.
I feel I already said these ones. But I re-watched some, for fun's sake.
Anyone else know of any others that I could watch? For the time being, I really have nothing to do with my life, so I just watch anime and play video games.
So, please do tell me any other anime you feel I should look into. Any genre will do, I will watch ANYTHING, as long as it catches my interest.
Or jobs. Do tell me about jobs, 'specially if you're in the South Dakota area.
Like, Rosebud, South Dakota. (Dude, I just totally gave away my position, I will wait for assassins to come.)
Maybe, just maybe, some big wig daughter/son of a workplace can talk someone into getting me a job. That'd be awesome, not to mention the only way to get a job around here.
It's not what you know, it's who you know around here.
Wow, I feel kinda stupid for that previous part..
But, I'm just venting. Ventingggggg.
I want coffee now.
Well, I think I should get some sleep. Tiiiired.
Long day.
Alright, I'll see y'all around.
Ps. I think I'll just put a picture.. of my green hair..
Y'know, just to freak you all out.
You're free to flame me for it.
Do excuse my looks, I can't really help it.

i was recently thinking.
thinking of random things.
really random.
like, what if i were a talk show host?
considering my personality, how would i pull that off?
sure, i can be talkative and goofy with my friends.
but in front of thousands upon thousands of people, i think i'd..
just freeze up.
or, what if i were a world famous guitarist.
i mean, i play guitar.
though to be completely honest, i'm not even mediocre at best.
i know, what.. four chords.
i'm not going to lie, i love the guitar, but i'm sure it's not the instrument for me.
sure, i can kinda play the intro to "sweet child o' mine", but so what?
what other amateur guitarist can't?
anyway, so, if i were a guitarist.
it'd be awesome, but would i be able to stay how i am now if i were famous?
what if i turn into, like, some self-centered jerk.
just because i'm considered one of the best.
or, or.
maybe i'm some type of guy.
lost in time.
like, i was born in a time and place not of my own.
maybe i was born after my time.
papers got mixed up, and my birth time was set in some different era.
what if things actually went how i wanted them to.
oh, lord.
lordy lordy lord.
maybe someone i like.. likes me back.
can't think too far out of the box with that one.
"well then, why don't you just think outside the bun? hehehehehe."
i can just imagine my friend saying that. behind me.
woke up in the morning.
in a completely different place.
i'm not sure how i'd feel about that.
i wouldn't be scared, i don't think..
i'd be more curious. like, "what the.. where the hell am i?"
turns out i'm in some killer's house.
dude, i wouldn't even know how that happened.
oh yeah.
all this was thought of.
last night.
while i was suffering from the symptoms of the flu.
i guess i think of a lot of weird things while i'm sick.
or maybe.. they might have been dreams..
i've been listening to "sweet child o' mine" for the past hour and a half now.
i don't know why.
i just really like singing it. and the guitar.
slash is awesome.
had some french fries earlier.
that my mom made.
and pizza.
a combination that's as weird as they come.
but, who am i to judge.
my friend, noah, went home earlier.
his reason: "'cause alice is comin' over."
"isn't she the one that you've been telling me that's weird and kinda creepy?"
".. oh. well, party on."
i don't know what's going on, man.
or why i'm posting all of this.
these are just random thoughts.
that really don't even matter.
that disappear as fast as they come.
well, i guess it's funner to try to document them, i suppose.
and share them with other people.
so they can gauge my decent to insanity.
or would that be an ascent?
i still am a bit sick.
so, i think i'd best get some sleep.
have fun, people.
Aru, Master of wtf.
okay, hi.
my last post was made because i was bored, and just felt the need to update.
though it was a wasted one.
hope you liked the picture, it's my friend, reginald.
i want a sweet top hat like him.
i went through and randomly subscribed to everyone (again, as usual. >___>)
also, if anyone wants to, and if you have a ps3, please join me in a game of cod: black ops.
which reminds me.. a couple of dudes were all tickled from my playstation network name. it's "omgwtfstfugtfo", and they wouldn't SHUT THE *BLEEP* UP ABOUT IT. had to go through the whole match.. with them.. all astounded that someone would choose a name as such. grrrrrr. made me lose concentration.
oh, text message. -checks-
whoa, whoa whoa. weird.
'tis not morning, 'tis mid-afternoon.
yep, explanation of title.
just, the whole random subscriptions, and the fact that i'm just being lazy everyday, playing video gamesssssssssss.
like i used to. 'cause that's all i have in life. (RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE.)
OH. i have picture of self.
i'm not going to show it, of course. you silly goose.
i'm just going to tell you the disturbing thing said about it.
my friend saw it, and was like, "vampire. you're just missing the sparkle."
".. w-what? .. w-why.. why would you even say that? what exactly are you implying, good sir?!"
i thought it was a nice picture..
obviously not, though. since i'm supposed to look like a sparkly vampire.
putting that aside..
i miss you people, i haven't talked to y'all in.. forever.
come on, send me a comment/message/hatemail/deaththreat/SOMETHING, and i'll get back to you.
k, i'ma go play black ops. have a nice day, everyone.
Aru, ".. who?" "..ffffff-"