
random, idiotic, useless posts here.
basically just a lot of gaming and complaaaaaints will be here.
oh, and name's whatever you come up with.
a, aru, magus, dude, bro, hey, you.
any name is fine!
as long as it's directed at me, whatever name is fine.

i also randomly subscribe to anyone, it's a past-time of mine.
when subscribed, just.. ignore me say hello or something. or shoot me a pm.

have a nice visit, and i hope i entertain you enough to come back.

dat zelda fix.

finally bought myself another wii.
along with it, i got skyward sword.
skyward.. sword..
i can't really come up with enough words to describe it, since i've only played through the first.. temple? dungeon?
skyview temple i think it's called.
anyway, from what i have played, i love the game already, the new artwork, zelda's role, and skyloft.
i'm sure there's more to love, like how you're able to improve some of your items.
meaning there are "ingredients" to find, things to keep an eye out for.
but, only if there were more to do in skyloft at the moment.
skyloft is great, the loftwings are even greater.
it's really fun being able to fly. very fun. just like wind waker, where i got distracted with just sailing everywhere, i just flew everywhere for a while.
tho', with wind waker, i really dislike the ocean, in game and reality, the ocean just terrifies me. so when i ran into a random big octo, i panic killed it and didn't sail for a few hours.
i'm not sure if there's anything to worry about when you're flying in skyward sword, but i don't think i'll be bothered by it.

but, to continue on, this must be zelda year or something.
i think it's the series that i've been playing the most the past couple of months.
i played through most of the first and second zelda. (the temple theme in zelda 2.. MMM.)
i finished ocarina of time, again. started link to the past and majora's mask.
and my friend's goin' to let me borrow his twilight princess and wind waker.
it's goin' to be a fun couple of weeks.
only ones i won't have would be the handheld versions.
although.. i could do without playing those. they're not bad, as a matter of fact i loved seasons and ages. and minish cap was fun. i just don't have the time to find them or the console to play 'em on. there are the other handheld games, but like i said.. i won't be able to find 'em. unless they're on nintendo's virtual console thing. if so, i'll just get 'em when i get my 3ds.
(new fire emblem, but i can't really say much about it 'cause this is a zelda post, but i'm real excited for it and it's apparently taking a while for gamestop to get my fire emblem 3ds bundle even though i pre-ordered it a while ago but whatevs, at least i'll get it soon.)

movin' oooooon..
i don't talk much about anime anymore, do i?
it's not that i stopped watching anime, there's a thousand words to say about the anime that's been released last year and anime comin' out this year.
so much excitement.
sakurasou no pet na kanojo is my number one at the moment.
an anime about a budding video game producer along with a bit of romance, drama and comedy?
and video games?
love it. just love it.
mashiro fan here. mashiro all the way.
wish i could say more.. but i'm at a loss for words about it.
i can't really be more descriptive than that.
i'm more descriptive about my interests when i can speak to people about it.
i can go on looooooong stories about everything i watch or play.
typing it, i can get it mostly. maybe because i can say a thousand words a minute, but can only type about a quarter of that a minute.

so, to end, i love zelda. i put this in the zelda category, but i snuck a few other topics in there. hope i don't get in trouble for it.
but, about 80% of it is zelda related. that's good, right?
i'm sure it's fine.
hope everyone is doing fine, i like catching up on people's stuff. sorry i don't get as involved as others, but i like everyone's works and words.
i'll see you guys around.
