The Waffle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
Lawliet actually a British last name. I know that because I've read that somewhere. I looked them up on google too. I think British names are cool. Like Quinten sounds like a rocker's name.(well to me)
Otay den! I don care if u ruin it 4 me. I really am not into Death Note but L is HOT! lol! I used to be in it like a year ago, but not anymore. It kind of got boring.
They dont mention his name in the anime. :b . Its in The 2nd movie I believe. And even so, they dont say it. I wont say any more, b/c I'll probally ruin it for you. lol
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
It depends to me. If the 't' in Lawliet is pronounced as a 'y', then yes to me. I would think it is French. If not, then I have a doubt. I haven't watched all the episode of Death Note, so I don't know how to pronounce it. I've been pronouncing it like its spelled.
Kyubi Elric
The Waffle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
Okay, you investigate.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
@Kyubi Elric: that you mention it, it may very well be. THIS CALLS FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION!
Kyubi Elric
The Waffle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
Lawliet actually a British last name. I know that because I've read that somewhere. I looked them up on google too. I think British names are cool. Like Quinten sounds like a rocker's name.(well to me)
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
>o< Oh well... I forgive you!
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
Otay den! I don care if u ruin it 4 me. I really am not into Death Note but L is HOT! lol! I used to be in it like a year ago, but not anymore. It kind of got boring.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
They dont mention his name in the anime. :b . Its in The 2nd movie I believe. And even so, they dont say it. I wont say any more, b/c I'll probally ruin it for you. lol
Jimmy Page's Butt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/09 | Reply
It depends to me. If the 't' in Lawliet is pronounced as a 'y', then yes to me. I would think it is French. If not, then I have a doubt. I haven't watched all the episode of Death Note, so I don't know how to pronounce it. I've been pronouncing it like its spelled.