Welcome one and all to the Grand REOpening of Uome's World. Yep. The Classic World is back and I hope it'll remain cuz high school is a b***h.

It is I, Uome Preferably Muney, hostess
Oh yeah!
of the Manor Hanté and Excentrique.

So! Enjoy the hot chocolate, stay for guinea pigs, and Welcome to the revamping of Uome's World!!!!!

[Insert Plot]

Greetings it is your host da Eccentric Narrator. In honor of my re-opening... actually I didn't get that far.
Anywho I have redecorated my world for the summer. Don't you feel cooler already! Hopefully this isn't like last post of spring and I'm able to return before Roku-gatsu. Until then prepare for full on Eccentria! Your Eccentric Narrator!!

Don't they look so happy?
