Welcome one and all to the Grand REOpening of Uome's World. Yep. The Classic World is back and I hope it'll remain cuz high school is a b***h.

It is I, Uome Preferably Muney, hostess
Oh yeah!
of the Manor Hanté and Excentrique.

So! Enjoy the hot chocolate, stay for guinea pigs, and Welcome to the revamping of Uome's World!!!!!

Yuri! The Only White Lily!

So I saw this avy on SmackJeeves and it reminded me of a conversation I had a while ago. External Image
Sarah (mah bestest otaku friend) was saying she loves reading yuri but was wondering if that makes her a lesbo.
I think it does, but apparently other peoples disagree. Not that I have anything against it I'm just sayin'. So in YOUR honest opinion, what do you think?
