Yeah let's finish this

my theme song ;P

moi XD

Doggy Do's and Doggy Don'ts Doggy Wills and Doggy Won'ts

MMMMM yes...Let me introduce you to the lead main man in my book. Nikolas Prince.
Nikolas Prince:
Vampire/Human/or Other: Vampire
Created by: Alexander
Living Situation: Stays at Midnight Academy but doesn't attend the classes...or a.k.a Freeloader
Favorite Color: Dark Blue
Birthday: August 16, 1909 (100 yrs. old)
Hair Color: Golden blonde
Outer Appearance: 18 yrs. old
Model: Nicholas Cocozzella (I just found out the guys name last night XD)
Other Info: Best friend is Blake. Tall and thin.

this is the model.he's the singer in Kill Paradise and one of my favorites to listen to on my ipod when i'm writing :D

Let's get those fishnet tights off and work it old school style

OK! Vampire_Candy information:
Setting: Midnight Academy-Vampire boarding school
Conflicto(yeah it's conflict): Nikolas(main character) is trying to find the purpose of his life and finds romance along the way...but with who? And the creator of Nikolas, Alexander, suddenly returns after years of being missing and suddenly wants to take control of vampire society.
Genre: Romance/fantasy/BL(or yaoi)
...OK I got most of the stuff down. Now I just have to do the character profiles :D YAY...NOT XD
