There is a filter. I've made a few wallpapers under that anime series. I KNOW!!! I CRIED TOO!!! =( R.I.P Haji!! He'll always be my fav!!
1) I don't have a purpose. I just go along with whatever's going on
2) My favorite anime has ALWAYS been InuYasha! =) Currently hooked on Death Note right now too though :P (Blood+ was AMAZING too by the way:D)
3) I'm happy where I am, but I also want to visit Hawaii and Japan (mainly Tokyo)
1. To try and leave the world in a slightly better state than it is in... even in a very small way that may seem insignificant... i want to make others happy, and become happy myself... I think i'll have to think more about that...
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/30/08 | Reply
There is a filter. I've made a few wallpapers under that anime series. I KNOW!!! I CRIED TOO!!! =( R.I.P Haji!! He'll always be my fav!!
1) I don't have a purpose. I just go along with whatever's going on
2) My favorite anime has ALWAYS been InuYasha! =) Currently hooked on Death Note right now too though :P (Blood+ was AMAZING too by the way:D)
3) I'm happy where I am, but I also want to visit Hawaii and Japan (mainly Tokyo)
Courtney (yamisgirl)
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
The ending of Blood+ made me cry too!

It's so sad...
1. Hm I don't know what to say...
2. Death Note, D.N Angel, Blood+, Eureka7 and way too many tp put them here.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/24/08 | Reply
Yay for myO. i use both.
1. To try and leave the world in a slightly better state than it is in... even in a very small way that may seem insignificant... i want to make others happy, and become happy myself... I think i'll have to think more about that...
2. Fruits basket, Spirited Away, Nausicaa...
3. With people i love.
yeh i give silly answers XD ...
toodles for now
Otakuite | Posted 03/24/08 | Reply
Hey Vampy-chan *HUUGS* ^^
I'm still using MyO to ^^,but i hardly have the time to post or comment something now T_T...
Yup i've seen some anime categories missing to,when you try to browse some walls T_T.Maybe they'll fix that problem soon...
1. Ugghh...that's a hard one...
2. Bleach,Death Note,Trinity Blood...
3. HHmmm maybe New Zealand...or Japan ^^