Have you ever wondered whether a vampire is just a beast who drinks human blood or even whether a vampire has feelings?

If so then vampireville can answer your question...(once i've fully updated it)
please don't forget to comment !!!

Puzzel ?!

External Image

My heart says to love Kaname back, but I understand Zero loves me too. Have I made the right decision to choose Kaname...?

Tell me who I am....

P.S: Votes are being counted, and the closing date is the 25th july 2008!!

Advice 4 me!!

I told my dad, that I was going to study in the library,but it was actually because I wanted to meet my boyfriend (Jimmy). My dad said that he was goin to bring lunch at 12...but me and Jimmy were enjoying ourselves sooo much that I forgot to look at the time,so while me and Jimmy were snogging,my dad watched until we finished. Now he says that he won't let me out ever again on my own!!
Help give me advice!!!!
