Planning for stories and stuff.
Word, dawg.
note: this intro hasn't been thoroughly updated in a couple years
This is a world I made mostly for my own use, but I made it a public world anyways. I'll be posting things about story outlines, my characters, my comics (including fan comics), WIPs, ect... It's pretty much a world where I can store information and/or plan things. xD
Below are short descriptions of my stories to help you know what's going on. xD It also shows which characters are in which story, along with their extended profile if I have one made. Some stories aren't mentioned because I don't work on/think about them often. Therefore, not all of my characters are mentioned.
The link leads to the fan comic in my portfolio. If there isn't a link, there isn't a comic yet.
*Rock Band: Something Impossible: The story of a Rock Band and their adventures in music business.
Major Characters: Michka, Zack, Loyal, Dare, Rick
Important/Frequently Mentioned Supporting Characters: Damian, Tim, Dare's Aunt aka Auntie
*Of Fruits and Vegetables: 4-panel comics of the life of a 21-year-old model and his friends/workmates.
Major Characters: Tomato, Stefan, Tomato's Boyfriend aka "TB", Gabe, Janet aka Jo, Kasey, Dean
Important Supporting Characters: Danny, Leah, Mick
*Dreams: The story of a rich and pampered English boy who gets transported to the mysterious town of Dreams, and his adventures there.
Major Characters: Alcott, Luli, Ms. Marigold
Important Supporting Characters: Shinitsu, Annabelle, and others that are to be decided.
**Annabelle's and Ms. Marigold's profiles are in the same post.**
Story Dialogues: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1
*My Dear Princess: The story of an orphan child, a princess, and friends who's home country's peace is threataned by the evil prince of a country that was thought to be nonexistant. (CONFUSING. xD)
Major Characters: Isaac, Charlotte, Rinchu, Segran, Lucia, Nicholay, Faida, Hrafn, Falorin, Gaelnis
Important Supporting Characters: To be decided.
*Foreigner: An alien boy sent to Earth to destroy the human race finds himself in Los Angeles California, befriends a human girl, and gets involved in crazy advetures.
Major Characters: Kor, Gliding Eagle
Important Supporting Characters: Michelle, Dailen
*A Life Like This: A written story in the perspectives of Dare, Tim, and Rick.
Major Characters: Tim, Dare, Rick, Ms. Ackart
Important Supporting Characters: See characters for Rock Band: Something Impossible.
Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
*Teach Me Something Good: A story about a friendship between a student and a teacher. Somewhat of a spin-off of Of Fruits and Vegetables.
Major Characters: Noland, Chrystal
Important Supporting Characters: Prudence), Stefan (briefly)
*I Was a Boy, Too: A short 3-part story about Gabe when he was in high school. Optional backstory related to Of Fruits and Vegetables.
Major Characters: Gabe, William
Important Supporting Characters: DJ, Dave
Parts: One
*Nerdy and Jock: So there's this nerd, and this jock, and also they're boyfriends. That's it.
Major Characters: Jack, Ned
Important supporting characters: Matthew Brodney III, Dmitri, Charlotte, Jessica Marron, Lafayette, Brodney's girlfriend who doesn't have a name yet;;;
*The Adventures of Marth and Roy: Super Smash Brothers fan comic. Title is pretty self-explanitory.
Major Characters: Marth, Roy, Ike, Pit
I don't have a name for his story, but Jamal is a Kingdom Hearts fan character. I figured I'd mention him because I draw him often enough.
Also, if you want to find posts that feature a specific character, type in the URL[character name]. For example, will bring you to posts about Dare. :)
Enjoy Your Stay at Various Planning!
I meant to post some of these a couple weeks ago, but couldn't because of con stuff. xD; But whatevz! Here's some drawings.

I WAS GONNA POST THIS TO MY PORTFOLIO...!!!! But then I didn't, and here we are. THIS IS KIND OF LATE, BUT I'M SO GLAD TO SEE ROY BACK IN SUPER SMASHHHH!!!!!! ;U;/ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ It's been too long, my friend. His new outfit is really cool. *u*b except for the bell-bottoms but HWATEVA
So yeah. Have some Roy to celebrate his return to the Smash Bros universe. :,DDD

Oh yeah, have some Little Mac too, 'cause I guess he's cool or something. -u-

I did this Noland drawing around the same time I did those pose practices in the previous post. :U I didn't use a ref for this, though, just kinda winged it. I like drawing Noland's legs when they're bent. :U

I just wanted to draw a cute Noland.

EVEN MORE NOLAND! Noland likes getting affection (as most people do, I guess). He's kind of lazy when giving affection, he'd rather not do anything. (?)

Someone on Tumblr wanted me to draw Kotetsu from Tiger and Bunny for the emoji challenge. :^D This was emoji b3.
I kinda miss drawing Kotetsu! Maybe I can draw him and Barnaby better, if I try again... :V HM.

Anoter one for the emoji challenge! This was for WyvernWings, actually, of their character Pumpkin Chai with my O. J. :^D This time I put the emojis on the pic itself, so there you go.

Random Gabie-Boo I drew to get away from working on cosplay stuff last week. orz

Drew some Steven Universe fan art, 'cause why the heck not. I've only seen like 5 episodes of this show, so I wouldn't really call myself a fan;;; But it's not a bad show. ;m I wanted to draw Jasper because I like drawing muscles, even though I have no idea what I'm doing.

Idk, I thought it'd be interesting to compare Noland and Stefan's head shapes, since they're the most drastically different from one another. :^D STEFAN IS SUCH A POINTY INDIVIDUAL!
Okay, that's all I've got. THANKS FOR THE VIEWAGE, MY FRIENDAGE. (????)
No introduction, this time. ART DUMP A-GO.

This is actually from several weeks ago! :V I was trying to get better at drawing Kotetsu. Yep.

This is related to O. J.'s backstory/etc, and since I want to use him for role play stuff, I don't really want to give too much away... ;u; But uh. This is what he dresses like when he's not performing on stage and stuff. Yeah.

Some head stuff. I wanted mainly to practice drawing Prue's face. I have trouble drawing her. "orz For some reason, she looks really different with her hair down. :V
I stuck Stefan in there so I could compare his and Prue's faces, sine I used to draw them really similar.

(Sorry about Gabe's gesture, I can remove it if you need me to! :V)
These were some redraws from this thing! Yeah. Expressions are like my favorite thing to draw! 8^D I wanted to see if I've gotten better at drawing them and stuff. Angry expressions used to be really difficult for me to draw, but I think I'm getting better. Serious-angry is still pretty difficult, though. Idk. I'll figure it out eventually. :V

O. J. doesn't believe in shirts, or something.
I keep drawing O. J. in basically the same clothes, but with different patters. orz WHATEVER, IT'S FUN.
This is also the first time I lined something traditionally in a long while. Lining can be fun, but my pens don't really like drawing over the pencil sketch. 8D;

Some Vanity Fanfare expressions. :V I still don't know anything about her backstory. I thought drawing her would help me think of something, but EH...

More Gabe. I HAVE SO MUCH TROUBLE DRAWING HIS HAIR!!! It just doesn't look like how I want it to. D: I have a pretty easy time drawing his short hairstyle for when he's older, but idk... for some reason, his current hairstyle has to be so PRECISE. And if I draw something a little incorrectly, it just makes him look weird. orz Idk what's up.
And yep, that's what I've got for you today. :V Thanks for viewing, as alwayzzzzz.
YEAH. Stuff. I've been doing so many pencil drawings and sketches or whatever to distract myself... I really want to draw colored stuff, but I hate coloring. orz

GABE'S PROPORTIONS HAVE BEEN BOTHERING ME, AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!! His legs are always so long and ghhhuuuuuhhhh. ""orz Gabe probably just looks like Gabe to you, but he doesn't quite look like I want him to, for some reason. ;U; WHAT CAN I BE DOING WRONG.
Also, I discovered with this drawing that I have a lot of trouble coming up with interesting clothing for Gabe. I need some new outfits for him.... orz

Hoo hah hah.
I think this was my sort of reference.
I like drawing kisses, but the chins and ears are what always get me. ;U; I'LL GET BETTER WITH TIME...

SUPREMELY COOL KIDS! Idk exactly what they're talking about. Stefan's actually talking over at someone across the table, about model-y work stuff. (??)
When I first started drawing Stefan and Gabe as a couple, I drew Stefan as the kind of person who wasn't too keen on being flirty in public. Now I just kind of draw him more casual or passive about PDA, idk;; DON'T KNOW IF THIS LACK OF CONSISTENCY IS A BAD THING, BUT OH WELL...

These are sketches for some Tiger & Bunny keychains/stickers that I'm working on! I was planning on finishing them for Zenkaikon, but Harvestmoonluvr and I have been waitlisted for the artist alley. ;u; Idk, it seems like there's a pretty big chance we won't get a table. BUT EH, WE'LL SEE!

Practice sketches of Keith Goodman, Ivan Karelin, and Pao-lin Huang from Tiger & Bunny. :V These characters are fun to draw, yo.
I wish there had been more Keith episodes...! OR JUST MORE CHARACTER-CENTRIC EPISODES, IN GENERAL... Not that I didn't enjoy the action and drama and stuff. I just would've loved to learn more about all of the characters... ;3;

After drawing 10-years-older Stefan, I wanted to draw 10-years-older Gabe. IDK... I GUESS THIS IS WHAT HE'LL LOOK LIKE? He gets the glasses in his mid 30's. (I'm having some serious deja vu here. Have I mentioned this alread? xD;) Yeah, he doesn't really look like Gabe... It's fun to draw him like this in a puffy hoodie, thouogh. 8D

I wanted to draw Noland sleeping under a kotatsu... I THINK... HAVING A KOTATSU WOULD BE NICE. They look so warm and snuggly, and I could do my homework while being warm and snuggly, and probably just fall asleep, but............
Idk how to end this post. *u* SKOOBALOODOOBOODOO!
I need some better titles. I wish I actually numbered these sketch dumps.... xD; I used to try to keep the posts in this world organized, but I've been ignoring that this summer. >3>;; But uh... yeah, here's some stuff I've drawn.

I drew this before Otakon, I think, so it's the oldest thing in this post. I was listening to this song while I drew this. I always draw a crybaby Noland when I listen to Daughter... >3>;; I also just wanted to try doing a drawing where I do the "shading" with a lighter value instead of a darker value. it's pretty fun!
Idk why Stefan's breathing on Noland, here. I originally did that because I wanted it to look like he was talking instead of just standing with his mouth open, but it didn't really work. HA. Whatever, make your own conclusions. *u*;

I think this is the first thing I drew after Otakon. I had a strange desire to draw Gabe in nice clothing...! It doesn't really suit him, but it's still fun. :,D I don't think he can pull off a suit like Stefan, but I don't think he looks too bad without the jacket. :V Idk, maybe it's just 'cause I'm not used to seeing him with his arms covered that I think he looks weird wearing a suit jacket. >3> Btw, that's still Gabe in the top-right corner. He gets his hair cut some years later. Idk when. I don't like to think about age, because I'm so bad at drawing people their age. ;U; I should figure out how to draw older adults, one day... .3.

Stefan and Gabe get their hair cut around the same time. Actually, I kind of imagine Stefan gets his hair cut when he's 35, 'cause he decides he's too old for long hair at that point. (That's 5 years from his current age, btw.)
HOW DO I MAKE PEOPLE LOOK OLDER, THOUGH... Drawing wrinkles just feels weird, so I don't realy do it. orz Idk how to do it right.

I read this extremely cute comic by Nozmo, and wanted to draw a bucktooth Barnaby toooooo... ;3; The way I draw Barnaby is turning more and more Stefan-like, though;;; I CAN'T HELP IT UGH. WHY ARE YOU STEFAN, BARNABY, WAAAHHH... """orz

I made a thumbnail for this in May (!!! HAS IT REALLY BEEN THAT LONG?), but I just now decided to draw it. I wanted to buy a TnB print at Otakon, but was too embarrassed to buy it on Saturday in front of my sisters b/c it was kind of BL-y... and then it was gone on Sunday, when I decided I didn't care. ;U; SO I'M JUST GOING TO MAKE MY OWN FLUFFY DRAWINGS TO PUT ON MY WALLS WHATEVER. Inking is so annoying, though. orz I've been working on the line art these past couple days, and I haven't even finished Kotetsu. I'm probably just going to cell shade this, 'cause I'm a lazy butt. >3>

Basically the same sort of thing as the first picture. :V I shaded with the airbrush, which is kind of weird feeling. I used to use the airbrush all the time, when I first started digital coloring. :m
Idk, make your own conclusions with this one, too. -u-b

Stefan and his college girlfriend! I never post about her or have even thought of a name for her (SUGGESTIONS...?), but she's been around for a while. I sometimes doodled her in my stats class, last semester. :V She and Stefan dated for about two years (this is before he knew Noland), and remained close friends even after breaking up.
She and Stefan were like... the snobbiest couple around. xD Both of them are very confident, self-proclaimed intellectuals. They also kind of imagined themselves to be better than "ordinary lovey-dovey couples" because they were sure to carefully think everything they did through.
They ultimately broke up because their ideological differences got in the way of their relationship. (Stefan's a fairly conservative person, while she was a fairly liberal person. And both of them were too proud of their opinions not to fight with each other about it.) Regardless, they had fun being with each other and neither of them regret their relationship. :m SO YEP, there's a bit of stuff about their relationship. I'll post more about her and GIVE HER A NAME eventually. *u*;

STEFAN IS SO FUN TO DRAW, GUYS... When he's facing the left. .u.; Drawing people facing the right is hard for me. orz
I need to do a pose study or something, sometime. ;u; I feel like I'm drawing everyone in the same poses. I STILL HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT PERSPECTIVE... I'm too scared to touch that subject. >3>; I know practice would be the best thing to understand perspective, but MEH.
By the way, here's the sunglasses I was looking at for the sunglasses Stefan's wearing. I was also looking through this Ralph Lauren style guide for his clothes. :V

I just wanted to draw Stefan looking like the idiot he is. -u-b He's kind of a silly guy without trying to be, because he's just overly dramatic. YOU WOULD KNOW THIS IF I UPDATED OFAV, BUT...
I know I said I would update every other Saturday, but I kind of just abandoned that. orz I PROMISE I WILL WORK ON IT EVENTUALLY, MAYBE EVEN THIS WEEK...!!! I'm just horrible about finishing things. ;m;
SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG POST, GUYS!! I'm pretty bad about posting stuff, lately, and end up just posting everything in bulk. orz Thank you for reading!!
Some stuff from the past week. :V

Stefans! I mainly just wanted to draw Stefan in a vest, but then I had to draw those crazy shorts on him. HEH... I actually really want a vest like that, but idk where they sell them. .m.
On another note, I think I'm finally used to drawing Stefan's torso in a not suit! Usually when I draw him in casual clothes or just a t-shirt, he comes out either looking too skinny, or with huge shoulders. Usually when he wears casual clothes, though, he'll either wear long sleeves or a jacket.

I was shopping for golf clothing with my mom last weekend, which made me realize...
Noland would be so fun to draw in golf clothing...
I actually came up with a short-ish comic with Noland and Prue and the rest of the English department related to this, but idk if I'll ever draw it. I recently realized (as in on Friday) that I'm really out of practice as far as drawing on paper goes. And that Noland's hair makes no sense.

Some sketches I did at like 5 AM one morning, because I couldn't sleep. :V It took like half an hour, in all. I was listening to songs, so I spent like one song on each sketch. I'M SO MAD THAT SKETCHING IS SO MUCH EASIER FOR ME TO DO ON SAI, RIGHT NOW... """orz

I've been re-watching Tiger and Bunny, and Barnaby is gr8. :V So yeah.

Also, Kotetsu is impossible to draw. That, and two eyes. Gah.
I tried something different with the coloring, but I probably won't do it again. xD; WHATEVZ.

I found this while cleaning the kitchen table. This is from like, senior year. A PROBABLE SCENARIO, STILL TO THIS DAY...
In other news, the table is a mess yet again. WHY.

Since I realized how impossible it is for me to draw Noland's hair unless I'm doodling, I thought I'd try and practice. I also wanted to have a colored pencil drawing of Noland with his right eye color, since he hilariously has brown eyes in that one picture... so yeah.
ALRIGHT, so there's that. Thanks for viewing!!