.:::*>Welcome to a world for vocaloid lovers<*::::.

If you are not one I advise you to leave now because this world is not for you.
If you ARE one, welcome and enjoy your stay!

yes I know rules suck U_U;, but they are needed.

*1:This IS a PG13 site; if you want to post something not PG13 post it on YOUR world NOT here!

*2:DO NOT BASH OTHER CHARACTERS OR THE SONGS! Truthfully I love all Vocaloids; and of course I have favorites, bashing characters is rude and hurtful to there fans. That goes for there songs as well. If you have some you hate KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!

*3:You are allowed to post pictures of Vocaloids here (even OC's) but once agian PG 13 site; PG 13 rule. That means no extremly sexual, violent, gorey, of offencive pictures. Once agian if you want to post them use you own world ^^;.

*4:Have fun making sure to follow these rules ;XD!<---I know I'm a downer =_=;.

♫♪Guest Posters:♪♫
Airo Rokkuhauto
Mitsune Amai
Romanos Vixen
Sara Jones
If you want to be a guest poster comment; or pm me!, I'll be more then happy to add you ^^.

I found my wife... dead?

Okay, this one is weird.. Not only that the title is long and weird, the whole song is by that.
Yup, this is one of the more weirder, but more interesting vocaloid songs. It features who else, Kaito of course. What you thought Miku? Well it features her too, but in a different light. XD

I just hope that one day he won't come home to really find her dead... But he will never notice it. o_o
