Writing introductions is a bit tedious so....just take a look at my first post if you want to know more....

....and if you get curious about the name of this World or my posts, check out the second one.

School Daze!!!

It's May. My birthday has come and gone and once again it feels like summer out of nowhere. Here in Japan it's not the end, but rather the beginning of the new school year. For me that means a new school every day, and another teacher (or group of them) worrying about just how to teach English (something they've never been trained for) to their elementary schoolers. And once again, I feel I'm doing something useful, something that will help people, something only I can do.

It's only been two days so far and I've got a whole page of notes on problems they seem to think I have the answers to. Problems I've somehow told them I'm going to find the answers to. I did this last year too, but it's only just now becoming clear to me how unknown this territory is. I casually said to a teacher today, "I realized after hearing everyone's concerns last year that nobody knows what to do about this stuff." And she said, "That's right. Nobody in the entire country." So I told her we'd find the find the answer first, here in our little city that wishes it was important.

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Way to give me a big(ger) head lady.
