The Howling Tempest

We had a typhoon last night/this morning. There wasn't much rain, just crazy wind. It woke me up at 5am even though I can usually sleep through just about anything. After all my years of Florida hurricanes and thinking it was no big deal I can't believe it scared me today. Something about that screech against my 6th floor window while it was still dark outside was a bit too much...

My school for today canceled classes so I was stuck going to the city office instead. Boooorrrrriiinnnngggg.......and I couldn't even get there at first! The buses were stopped until 7am and the smaller of our 2 train lines was stopped till 9:30. I gave up on it at about 8:30 though and walked back to the other station since it wasn't raining. By the time I got to work it was blue skies and puffy white clouds everywhere. Typical. I can't even begin to count the amount of times the same thing happened back in Florida, or Louisiana for that matter. Cancel school and you are guaranteed the storm will end with more than enough time for kids to gloat about the free day they're getting.

Recently I can't seem to do anything but draw. At home, at school, at the office, at my friends''s kind of scary....I've got a huge backlog of photos on my computer waiting to be posted & my fanart is getting kind of ridiculously full. I finished all the jr.high kids presents & only have one more elem one left to do. Yay! Then I have until the end of February before I get more....ugh....but in the interim I have a couple of stories I want to sketch out and get good character designs done for. Well, at least one of them if I can manage it anyway!

It's October now. I'm starting to get nervous about the weather. I know it won't really be cold for a while, but I can't help dreading it anyway. I am excited about the stuff I get to wear in fall at least. I got a new hoodie with rabbit ears! It's black and wooly. I'm wondering if I can get away with wearing it to the office party tomorrow night. Probably not.....

I seem to be having a character-love relapse lately. For the longest time I was all, KakashiKakashiKakashiKakashi and then I got kind of over him and was whatever about characters for a while. There were a few I liked, but nothing like that. And then out of nowhere it was all HayatoHayatoHayatoHayato for the past 6 months or so, but......

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....there's a reason I have this tatoo after all.
