Writing introductions is a bit tedious so....just take a look at my first post if you want to know more....

....and if you get curious about the name of this World or my posts, check out the second one.

Turn Back The Pendulum 2

Best Christmas present I've gotten (so far) this year:

This facebook photo and comment trail...

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Caption: Bruno thinks he's cool, playing with his yo-yo in a Mexican Hotel

Me: He's still into yo-yos?

Oscar: Lol, yes...he is, its getting a little out of hand. When you were here was he into them?

Me: Yeah, he was just starting to like them before I left but he couldn't do anything with them at all...ah, he was so little and cute....

Oscar: I wish you could come back to America and teach him how to be productive like you taught me! He NEVER bathes, eats vegetables, and he cusses ALL the time. Haha

Oh, my little ninjas....you were both cute back then...

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...and we always knew which of you would turn out like me, and which would turn out like your parents...

The Wrath

WARNING: Spoilers!! Do not read if you:
A. Read Naruto and are not caught up to the Japanese manga
B. Are planning on reading Naruto someday and don't want the story ruined for you
C. You've never read or seen past the 4th installment of the Harry Potter saga and want to

That being said, I'll still black out the really important stuff.

I hate Sasuke. Sure, I just drew him, and he looks cool, but that was a request by a kid I really like. I couldn't just do a bad job on it. Anyway, I've never been a big fan of him, or characters like him in any story for that matter. I can see the appeal of say, Ichimaru Gin, or Mukuro, or hm.....can't find the Naruto equivalent at the moment, but anyway....I can see the appeal of the smooth villain. I don't like them, but I can see it.

I hate Sasuke because he makes people like him. Girls loooove him in fact. And he's basically just an asshole. He's concieted, rude, heartless, and doesn't give a damn about using or hurting people. It's becoming more and more evident that Naruto won't be able to redeem him in the end like he's done for so many other characters. Despite Sasuke being his "best friend" and the one he wants to save the most. Sasuke's going to have to be killed by Naruto in the end.

But I swear to all that is holy or evil or anywhere in existence if Sasuke kills Kakashi I will be in a bad mood for at least a year! When Kakashi was "dead" for a while during the Pain arc I was soooo out of it I didnt't even realize what was going on. I considered giving up reading the manga altogether, but........well, I have to know the end of the story!

I've heard arguments made before that Naruto in some ways parallels Harry Potter. Or that there are similarities between the main characters' lives anyway. When Sirius was killed off I was pretty furious. Actually, no wait, I'm still furious! Anyway, when it happened (or maybe it was after Dumbledore was offed in the 6th book...) there was this essay that went around saying Harry had to have all his supporters stolen away from him so he could stand up to Voldemort on his own. That's all fine and good, but........with Jiraiya being dead, and Kakashi having scraped by once... things seem to be heading that direction for Naruto too. And I'm not cool with it.

Not one bit.

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It seems I have a thing for guys who like to get themselves killed for a "good cause".....

The Pride

A while ago I posted this piece of fanart. I finally got to see "Tori-chan" again last weekend to give it to her. She wrote about the event on her blog. Go ahead. Click it. And scroll down. Yeah, that's my Kakashi drawing there w/the chocolates (the ones in the light pink box are the ones I gave her.) If you don't read Japanese & are wondering, most of the entry just describes her day at the event. About the 6th paragraph down it talks about me, and says that she's never gotten that kind of present before and how she was really happy about it. Because I'm just that awesome.

She's drawn Kakashi for me before, and did Iruka this time, but I don't have photos of them. Or rather, I didn't take photos of them. The drawings in that sketchbook aren't for sharing. They're just for me, not for internet pirates. But she also gave me the snacks (the bag that says "Kittyland") in the bottom right of this photo...

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...the other stuff (chocolate & a freezer pack) was door prizes at the event. This might have been my favorite one yet.

Don't Believe the Hide

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...'Kashi, reading (porn) while he's supposed to be interacting with people...

What is it that compels me to clean my house at 11pm? Despite having done nothing all day long. Possibly the same urge that drives me to rollerblade in the dead of winter, despite having been lazy and hardly gone at all in the beautiful weather of Shizuoka in fall. It's kind of stupid. But at least I have a clean house and strong legs for the moment.

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...me, drawing (not porn) while I'm supposed to be interacting with people...

Tell your Children the Truth

My dad's getting married. I don't particularly want him to, but I know I don't really have a say in the matter, nor does it affect me in any way. My brother doesn't know. It's kind of killing me to not be able to call him right now.

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My mom was always honest w/me as a kid. Or rather, she was straightforward. She told me quite a few lies I'm sure, but most of the time she told me things the way she thought they really were. She acted towards me, & told me, kids are no different from adults. It's not a common practice. Most people would probably say it's a bad idea in fact. I'm definitely warped in some ways because of it. For one thing, I think it's the right way to go about things now too. I can't do them any differently.

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I've been posting a lot recently. I guess it has to do with thinking a lot. When I don't spend all day focusing on my little kids things creep into my head a bit too easily. I really hate being looked down on by people. I always have, not just since coming here. I guess it's kinda funny since I automatically tend to look down on everyone myself, but.....yeah, it's not cool. Often times, I get the feeling people are talking to me like they would a very slow child, because they assume I won't understand the words they're using. And if I don't answer immediately - b/c I usually don't know what to say, & wouldn't whether they spoke English, Japanese, or Swahili for the simple reason that I never know how to respond to people - they automatically assume they're right & I just don't know the literal meaning of the words. When really, what I don't know is the meaning of the conversation, why they're telling me that crap in the first place, and what the hell they expect to hear.

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...if it looks like I'm laughing I am really just asking to leave...