Turn Back The Pendulum 2

Best Christmas present I've gotten (so far) this year:

This facebook photo and comment trail...

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Caption: Bruno thinks he's cool, playing with his yo-yo in a Mexican Hotel

Me: He's still into yo-yos?

Oscar: Lol, yes...he is, its getting a little out of hand. When you were here was he into them?

Me: Yeah, he was just starting to like them before I left but he couldn't do anything with them at all...ah, he was so little and cute....

Oscar: I wish you could come back to America and teach him how to be productive like you taught me! He NEVER bathes, eats vegetables, and he cusses ALL the time. Haha

Oh, my little ninjas....you were both cute back then...

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...and we always knew which of you would turn out like me, and which would turn out like your parents...
