Dregs of Hypnosis

I have a problem with being obsessive. My otaku personality demands it. I finished playing Final Fantasy III nearly a month ago and I still can't stop thinking about it. As far as I can tell no other RPG out there is as good. This is probably due to the fact that it's ridiculously old and no other RPG is made like it anymore. Still, I'd like to go back and play it again, but somehow it seems hollow. If you already know what's going to happen, what's the point? Then again, why read books more than once? There's something comforting in the familiarity of every phrase, every chapter title, every emotional moment. Maybe I'll take it home with me and play on the airplane, no guide this time....

For the time being I'm content to contemplate the likelihood of drawing pictures of my friends in FFIII garb. I just can't seem to pin down who any of them should be. I like to categorize, organize, and summarize. I like to fit things into neat order so I can understand them and characters are something I understand very well. Real people on the other hand.....not so much....

Upon reflection, my 6 friends maybe weren't so appropriately matched after all. It seems as though the three of us in the middle, the links if you will, chose to pull the others together for our own sake. We wanted the security of belonging to something in this crowded island country where we'll never belong. No matter how hard we try to be happy with that, enjoy the perks of being different, us sentimental types really need a family of sorts to be comfortable. So we pulled them together, tried to sew and bind them to each other in order to keep them by our sides. To give us an excuse to be together we gave it a name and made holiday plans. I even became Nana and tried to machinate a romance to keep someone in my own little garden. They didn't want it, not one of them. I suppose to their credit they care enough about at least one of us to have given it a try.
