Princess and Dragon


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Today I saw this movie in the theater. And guess what? IT WAS FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!! if we didn't expect that, right? I've been waiting for this movie since the first one was out two years ago. Sure, the first one was cool, it even made me like Shinji & Rei a bit more than I did in the original TV show. But this time.......

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....that's right, my favorite character. ASUKA!!!!! Ah.......she was awesome. A little different from the original series, but I still liked her. I talked to my friend at the model shop afterward & he said, "What do you think about her character changing? It seems like she's becoming more like a good kid." And I said, "Yeah, but I still like her." And he said, "Because you're the same?" (he knows all about it) & I said, "Yep, so I understand that probably, Asuka wanted to be good all along." She said some really great things just before her last scene in the movie about thinking it was better to live alone & be strong alone & how she'd started to think that maybe being with other people was fun. And then she got in Unit 03 (yes, Asuka, not Toji) to test it and just before the craziness took over she said, "I'm smiling......huh.....smiling......." And in the preview for the 3rd movie she had an eyepatch! I sooo want to cosplay her even more now. Oh, and she had a different plugsuit for test piloting & it was waaay cute!

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And then there was this girl. Mari. I was mad about her being in the movie before I saw it b/c, fundamentally, this is supposed to be Asuka's movie. However, she totally won me over. I loved her Unit 05 even if it was only around a short time, & the other plugsuit (pink!) that she wore when she "borrowed" Unit 02 was cool too. It kinda reminded me of Anemone's from Eureka 7. I liked her b/c her personality was similar to Asuka's but she seemed a little more adult. Also, she did some crazy cool thing that I don't think anyone watching understood, but it involved glowing circles on her hands & chest (on her plugsuit) and made glowing cylinders come out of Unit 02's back so it could become more powerful for a short time. Her eyes glowed & her teeth got all pointy looking like an animal too!

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I'm not entirely sure, but I think Mari is supposed to be American. Most of the scenes involving her & not the other main characters were all in English w/Japanese subtitles which was cool for me. Apparently the subtitles were too fast though b/c I was talking to this lady who sat near me (& cried through almost the entire movie!) afterwards & she said she was jealous that I could understand those parts. Kaworu wasn't in the movie as much as I would have liked, but I know they're just teasing people with him right now anyway. It was enough to work on me, that's for sure! He did come down in his Eva at the very end (from the moon!) and attack.....or something? It looks like there's a lot of him in the next movie, and Mari & Asuka too. Of course, it's evident that Shinji & Rei are really meant to be the main characters now, but I like what they're doing with both of them this time around so maybe it's ok. We'll see.

You can (not) advance.
