Welcome to Victory Script, a world dedicated to reviewing the best and worst moments of anime and video games.

The Shark House - Chapter 6 - The Undying Golden Girl

The arena at Quarter Bros was shining like a Coachella concert, Smash Zone existed as an arena fighter where home made avatars battle in the arena using a headset to control the characters, the blonde woman revealed to be Firestorm, a pro gamer had sent in her character, a swordswoman shining with a gold aura wielding a large sword sparking off fire, Popuri having never played the game was scrambling to make a character settling for a basic design resembling her real life build.
"Has she really never played this game? She aced Witch Hunt without trouble yet, that build is something a ten year old would make" the blonde girl confused as to how someone with such inhuman reactions could look so amateur.
Poppy was ready to go and the match began, Firestorm attacked but Poppy avoided the attacks, it took several attempts to even get a strike on her when Firestorm finally forced her back with her sword.
"Now it makes sense, this system picks up on athletic ability during the character build, she has good evasion and decent speed, she's also working out the game as she's playing, see if I can push her buttons" Firestorm immediately split her character into several clones and launched a storm of fire surrounding Poppy, Poppy's character finally got a lightning punch in which does heavy damage, Firestorm's body just glows more golden in response; in one slice of her brilliant sword she unleashed a shower of rose petals which all ignited and exploded which finally scored a heavy hit on Popuri.
Popuri struck Firestorm in several places but each time Firestorm glowed a more intense gold.
"She's so fast but she has no clue how I operate, guess I overestimated her ability" Firestorm prepared her sword with a large wave of fire and unleashed her attack on Popuri with one impressive swipe of her Golden Blade leading to an explosion of fire, when the dust settled Firestorm found that Popuri had catched her sword, Popuri's eyes opened and they were glowing yellow like a ferocious tiger. Popuri then thunder punched Firestorm so hard, she almost ringed out.
"Her eyes, so that's her secret, now it's fun!" Firestorm shined perfect gold as her eyes turned yellow like Popuri's, Popuri was shocked to see someone else with yellow eyes both characters disappeared into an epic speed battle neither one wanting to yield, the crowd were in awe of the battle and even the system was finding it hard to keep up with the two fighters.
"What's your name cat eyes?" Firestorm asked.
"Popuri Meadows" Poppy replied.
"The Olympic Marathon runner from Stardust Meadows, that gift of yours is powerful, I'm Dawn Shriners" Dawn spoke as both characters were KO'd, the crowd cheered the battle as they both got out the booth.
Dawn enthusiastically throws up Popuri's arm in triumph.
Popuri was exhausted, it was only her first day.

The Shark House - Chapter 5 - Quarter Bros Arcade

Bayside has a unique history in that it's addicted to competition, everything from the arcades to the rampant speed races on the surrounding highways, Bayside will always find something worth competing for, Popuri arrived at the Quarter Bros Arcade expecting to see the quirky little arcade from her youth, now it's a multi-story technology park run by pro gamers and influencers, a little intimidated by the loud noises and constant flashing lights, Popuri went to the staff area to prepare for her first shift, her only job is to assist tech support and make sure customer pay cards are working properly and maybe give out the occasional prize.
When Popuri finally got on her break, she looked through her bag to find her original Quarter Bros Arcade ID but it looked so tattered she had to go get it changed, luckily another Shark House resident worked here, his name was Freddy and he worked technical support.
"Sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you Poppy, I was busy with team drafts this month so I've had to work late" Freddy looked as scruffy as Quint except Quint grew up in the 70s, Freddy looked like he barely tries.
"Thankfully your fingerprint still works, everything is on your new card, give it a try on a game" Freddy handed back Poppy's card.
Popuri looked for a game and found one she used to play, booting up her card, her username "Popful Kitty" appeared and quickly got started, she was playing an old bullet hell shoot-em-up called Witch Hunt, as she played, all her memories of the game came back as the movement of the joystick got faster and faster with each stage, her performance was starting to attract attention from nearby gamers, some were whispering loudly, many pointing out that Poppy hadn't been hit by a single bullet.
A blonde woman not much older than Popuri in a black long coat and sunglasses was also taking notice.
"I never seen anyone no hit clear Witch Hunt before, hey helpdesk, what's her username?" The blonde woman startled Freddy who was in awe of Poppy's skills.
"Um, Popful Kitty, she hasn't played in 18 years but her records are incredible, I've only ever seen Razzmatazz with such high score history" Freddy went deeper into Poppy's history.
The crowd cheered when Poppy cleared the game and nailed the best score by a country mile.
The blonde woman walked up to Poppy and declared "I challenge you to a Smash Zone Battle"
Popuri startled by the request.
"I should probably get back to work my break is over" Popuri was about to leave when the main stage lit up with Popful Kitty vs Firestorm.
"Looks like the boss approves, I'll give you a few minutes to set up your fighter" The blonde woman walked over to her booth.
Popuri baffled by how fast things were going struggled to understand the situation but since the boss approved it, she must go through with it.

The Shark House - Chapter 4 - The Night Time Coffee House

Popuri's arrival at the Shark House was alot quieter than the Subaru she arrived in, upon entering the Midnight Coffee House where owner Giro worked to obtain her keys and job offers.
Dotted about the Cafe, a number of the other residents were busy in all four corners of the establishment.
A group of middle aged women all with chocolate skin were playing cards, another girl in her 20s dressed in several sweaters in glasses who looked like she hasn't slept in days had several sheets of paper in front of her, she actually stared briefly at Popuri and immediately sent a text on her phone before getting back to work.
On the other side of the Cafe was a security guard talking to Giro's assistant Quint, finally there was a guy with heavy metal style hair tuning a few guitars.
"They're a good group once you get to know them" Giro said signalling Popuri to him.
Popuri looked at all the tenants present in the Cafe, she thought to herself that two of them sounded familiar, the guard and the card player, not that she had met them before but she could've sworn she recognised their voices from somewhere.
Quint walked by and dropped off Popuri's paperwork and her keys.
"Can we maybe cheer up a bit, we don't want to scare off our latest tenant" Giro deliberately speaking loud so all the tenants could hear.
Popuri just gave a smile and looked over her job offers.
Job 1 - Posting mail near the beach regions of Bayside.
Job 2 - Polly Parrot's Pizza Emporium needs a new victim/night time worker.
Job 3 - Quarter Bros Arcade needs an assistant to help with the post Christmas rush.
Popuri was doing mail runs back in her home village so delivering mail she was saving until her Mini was ready and it's probably too soon to do night work especially at a rambunctious place like Polly Parrots so she looked at the Quarter Bros Arcade, she used to go there as a kid back when her mother was still working at Gracies.
She signed all three and wrote down starting dates for all three starting with the Arcade and ending with the Pizza Emporium with the mail run in the middle.
She finished her tea and went up to her new apartment.
Quint filed away the paperwork and lit another cigarette.
"You mention about us scaring her away but these job posts are evil" Quint wondering about Giro's choices.
"You obviously don't know this girl's reputation, you'll see how quickly she'll turn the worst jobs in Bayside into something wonderful" Giro cleaning Popuri's cup.

The Shark House - Chapter 3 - The Metro Highway

New Year's Day came and went and Poppy was ready for her start at the Shark House the following night, however to get there, the Metro Highway needed crossing to get into Bayside.
Surrounding the city is a network of highways that covers the whole region, in order to produce revenue at night time since gambling is illegal in Bayside is to give the highways to the street racers and any night workers interested in fast cars, the laws are strict and a special license is required to even participate, since the legislation passed, car related offences were virtually wiped out.
For Poppy, this was a problem as her car was an old Mini given to her by her grandfather, luckily Zoe was a member of the car club Chaos Engines and could run on the Metro at night.
"My brother will deliver your Mini to Shark House, I'll stop by the Chaos Engine club halfway, I know your cat Karma isn't keen on my driving" Karma was just grumpy as Zoe tried to lighten the mood, Zoe was the fastest in the club with her white Subaru Snow White Chaser, however since Scarlet Rider joined, her title has been challenged.
Zoe was halfway to the stop when another club member signalled her to meet at the Chaos Engine stop.
"Damn it Dave, what do you want? There's no meeting til the 7th" Zoe stopped at the service station which served as Chaos Engine's base and got out to confront Dave.
"Dave, the Club meetings don't start til the 7th, check your damn letter box!" Zoe frustrated by Dave.
"I heard from your brother about Scarlet Rider, that she joined us, can I meet her?"
Dave is one of the residents of the Shark House, usually called Dave Dreamer by the club for his lack of financial restraint, he could quite easily leave The Shark House anytime as his role as an Engineer pays enough to live comfortably but he seemingly has a new car every other week.
Zoe just rubbed her head in frustration.
"I said this back before Christmas, she's not ready to come to the car meets yet, plus she does her courier work all night, you ain't going to catch her in that piece of crap, I can barely keep up with that Bimota of hers" Zoe casually chomping on some jerky.
"Oohh is Hellcat scared to be beaten by a biker?" Dave teased Zoe using her nickname.
Zoe just sighed.
"I'm just getting Poppy here to Shark House, I'll smoke your ass later, just don't get too obsessive with Scarlet Rider, remember our code, do not question just drive" Zoe got back in the car while Poppy politely waved to Dave.
"Take my advice Poppy, Dave is the least weird of the Shark House" The two drove off towards the Shark House, Poppy's home for the next year.

The Shark House - Chapter 2 - Part Time Poppy

Outside of Bayside lies the country village of Stardust Meadows, the land definied by Bayside's largest cat shelter owned by the village founders the Meadows family, for the last decade, the Meadows Family's only child Popuri has been the village part timer since her early teens, everything from helping out with post to doing shifts at the cat shelter earning Popuri the nickname Part Time Poppy; to the casual outsider, it looks like Popuri is the village's only worker and everyone is taking advantage of her, but instead it's because no one can keep up with her, her stamina seemingly endless and reflexes much like the cats she helps take care of makes her near super human, her High School athletics records back this up.
After the pandemic and Popuri's University Graduation, the village was struggling to pay Popuri for all her jobs, and her University fees are pretty high, not wanting to be a burden, Popuri remembered how her best friends Alex and Zoe got out of debt through the Shark House. Staying at her friends house for New Years, Popuri was preparing to move to her new home for 2023, however Alex and Zoe were nervous about Poppy's decision.
"Poppy I know we managed to get out but Bayside isn't like Stardust Meadows" Alex a tomboy of Italian descent.
"I know you can work any job Poppy but Shark House is full of weirdos" Zoe a tall delinquent looking woman wearing a large baggy pizza delivery sweater, clearly hiding something.
"I've already got applications lined up, including Gracies Department Store, should only take a year, even less if I get the Gracies job" Popuri a slim athletic built girl playing with her cat Karma. Popuri was also watching highlights of the Gracies Christmas Eve Charity Ball, Popuri loved watching the Ball because it was where her parents met back in 1997, Bayside's top charities as well as the three best employees over the Christmas shopping season get to go but the waiting list to even work for Gracies is ridiculous and most don't even last past Black Friday.
"If you make it to the ball Poppy, I'll do a boudoir photoshoot" Zoe laughed thinking it will never happen, Alex's face however turns bright red at the thought.
Poppy holds her kitty high into the air.
"What do you think Karma? Will I succeed?"
Karma just licking her paw.