Here is the first part to the second chapter!
Got this one up a lot quicker than i did the last one, so I hope you are all excited to see what is happening here at cross academy. In a few days i'll be sure to put the second part up and I hope to hear what you allthink of it so far! Remember, the more you guys read and comment the quicker I work 
Chapter 2: Clues to a Deadly Secret
I woke the next morning to a loud knock at my door. Groaning I rolled over to check my clock. The digits on the clock glowed a bright blue. It was only 5:34 A.M. Who in the world was knocking at my door this early in the morning? It was inhuman, and frankly I was not intending to open the door to someone like that.
“Claire, time to get up!” I heard a voice come from outside of the door. “Today is your first day!”
“NOO!” I groaned back to the person through the door who I now knew was Yuki, “I’m going back to bed!”
As I pulled the blankets up over my head, I heard a loud crash as if the door had been thrown open; it scared me to death and I jumped at least a foot off of my bed. Yuki stood in the doorway, the door ajar like it was never even locked. I did lock it didn’t I?
“Come on now. Class will start in about two hours and you still need to take a shower, eat, and be sure you have all of your stuff for your classes,” Yuki said sternly placing her hands on her hips.
I sighed and rubbed my eyes, “Whoever it was that invented early school hours is crazy. I hate getting up early.”
“Didn’t you get up early for your other school?”
“No, it wasn’t a private school like this one is. I was able to walk there before we moved in with my new… ‘Daddy’,” I put air quotes around the word daddy to emphasis my dislike of him. Yuki seemed to get the point and showed it by laughing.
“Come on sleepy head. Off to school get ready for school we go,” she pulled me off of the bed where I had settled contently; I had planned on slipping back under the covers and hiding while she wasn’t looking, but that plan seemed to have failed me horribly now.
I rubbed my eyes once again. I was still far from ready to get up, especially this early in the morning. I was more of a night person myself, but there wasn’t really anything I could do about that with this new schedule. I’d just have to get used to it. Yuki was the Head Master’s adopted daughter so I assumed that she had gotten used to the schedule long.
“Alright, okay; let’s go and get that nice morning shower you were talking about and then something to eat. I hope the food here is at least a little better than what is was at school and home. Mother was a terrible cook,” I made a face at the thought of her burnt chicken.
Yuki laughed again, “You’re hilarious when you’re not awake yet; don’t worry, the Head Master makes sure we get nothing but the best.”
“Good, cause now that I think about it, I’m starving.”
“Well you will have to wait,” she waved at the air close to her nose and smiled playfully, “You stink. We need to get you into the showers.”
We were quiet on the way to the showers. I wasn’t really in the mood to talk right at the moment; course that could have been mainly because I wasn’t a morning person at all. The walk didn’t take that long anyway. It was fairly close to the dorms, clearly placed where it was on purpose. It was the opposite direction of the Moon dorms as well. Cleaver of them, I guessed.
Yuki lead the way as we entered the showers. They were empty and I was completely relieved. That was probably her plan all along. Her first day in this school was more than likely the same, except that she wouldn’t have had someone to show her around and help her out. I was grateful.
The showers were even better than what I had originally thought they would have been. If not lacking a bit in privacy, they were quite nice. And the temperature of the water stayed perfect for forever. I honestly didn’t want to get out, but Yuki came and practically dragged me out.
We made it to breakfast on time, and she really wasn’t kidding when she said the food was amazing. There was an entire buffet: biscuits and gravy, eggs and bacon, and so many more things. I was in food heaven!
“You seem to be enjoying yourself her already,” Yuki commented smiling and toying with her own food as I dug into my own plate.
I smiled back and began trying to speak through my food, though I failed horribly. I finished chewing and swallowed, “You weren’t joking when you said the food was good. It’s at least five times better than what my mom used to make. Well before my step father hired a maid that is. The maid started to show her the ropes just before they decided to send me here.”
“Well you won’t really have to worry about that anymore now, will you,” Yuki continued to smile and took a bite of her own food.
“By the way, where’s Zero?” I asked taking another bite as well.
“Probably still in his room, why?”
“Because you guys are always together from what I’ve seen. You do everything together from what I can see.”
“Oh,” Yuki was thoughtful for a moment, “It’s mostly because the headmaster raised both of us. Me from the time I was five, and zero from about four years ago. His parents were murdered, and a friend of the head master’s brought him here. I kind of took care of him as well back then. So, I’m the closest friend he has at the moment… but he has been talking to you more than I’ve seen him talk to anyone but me! It’s amazing; almost like he’s already taking a liking to you.”
“I take it that’s a very surprising thing?” I asked curiously putting my fork down. Zero taking a liking to me was something that definitely interested me.
Yuki was still thoughtful, “Yes, very much so. I actually don’t think I have seen him act like that towards anyone but me. It’s kind of strange to see him finally getting along,” She sighed, “Oh, but I suppose it is a very good thing. I’ve been pestering him about making friends for so long now.”
“Guess I’m just a lucky charm huh?” I said with a teasing smile and a small shove to Yuki’s shoulder. “Oh, I was wondering, would it be rude of me to ask you what happened to his and your parents? I mean I know his were murdered, but you didn’t say why you were here or even if the person who killed his parents was brought to justice.”
“Well… I suppose it’s not rude, but to be honest I don’t remember anything beyond the day that Kaname saved me 10 years ago and brought me to the head master. We aren’t really sure if the person who murdered Zero’s family was ever found. They never informed us. Of course that’s to be expected with the society and their rules.”
“The society? And Kaname saved you from what?” I couldn’t help myself, I had to ask. These two really did have a messed up past. No wonder they were so close.
Her face was hard in thought, as thought she was thinking of something she hated and then her expression changed as another thought entered her mind, “Kaname is in all of my fondest memories, and a few of my worst. He saved me from a-“
“Good morning Yuki, Claire,” Zero cut in, holding a small tray of food.
Yuki jumped as though something had burnt her and looked up in surprise to her friend now standing over her. The a look came over her as if she was just about to give something away that she wasn’t supposed to. I hadn’t even heard him walk up, so it was no surprise that she jumped when he spoke. That was definitely a scary feature that he had.
“Z-Zero, hey! You’re awake!” She stuttered as if she were in some kind of trouble.
He rolled his eyes and sat down beside Yuki, and across from me. Yuki said he wasn’t much of a talker, but he seemed fairly social in his own way.
“I was just asking Yuki about why you guys were adopted by the Head Master,” I said with a smile at him.
Zero glance at Yuki with a bit of a glare as if to say “You better not have told her anything more than what I heard”. Yuki ducked a little and began eating her food more than she had before. She still had that look to her. What had she said that she wasn’t supposed to? Maybe it was that she told me some of Zero’s past without asking him first. I probably would have been fairly mad as well.
“I haven’t been legally adopted like Yuki has. I’m only staying here because it gives me a place where I have a roof over my head,” he answered me bluntly not even looking my way.
“So he’s only considered your guardian then. Very cool,” I said smiling, and then I decided to take a chance that was bound to be dangerous from Yuki’s reaction when he entered the conversation, “I’m sorry about what happened to your parents. I can’t help but wonder how it is that you survived out of everyone. Were you not home at the time or something?”
Both Yuki and Zero stiffened at this question. It would seem that I had managed to strike a chord. Whether it was the right one I was really unsure of that yet.
Zero sent a glare at Yuki and then stood with his tray, “We aren’t really sure how. Maybe the killer spared me for some cruel joke. I think it’s time we go and get ready for class now.”
“I agree!” Yuki said anxiously, “Claire, do you have your book and your schedule for your classes?”
“Um, yes, they are in my bag back in my room though. I need to run back and get them. I think I have a map as well.”
“Good. Do you think you can find your way on your own then? I have a few things I need to do before class,” Yuki said standing and glancing after Zero as he dumped his tray and began leaving the room.
“Yeah yeah yeah, I’ll be fine. Go ahead. I may have a horrible sense of direction but I think I pretty much have down how to get to the dorms,” I answered waving her away and standing up myself.
“Good. Be careful now,” She answered with a smile and ran off in the direction that Zero had gone after dumping her tray as well.
I shook my head walking after her to dump my tray and then heading out into the main campus to try my best on getting to the dorms. I figured I was going to get lost at least once so I began to hurry. After all I didn’t want to be late to class on my first day, right?
Ultimately I was right. I got lost quite a few times, taking the wrong turn or not turning at all. In the end somehow I ended up at the gates of the night class, all the way on the opposite side of the school. How this happened I hadn’t a clue.
“How can I be so horrible at finding my way around, that I end up at the complete opposite place I wanted to go?” I rubbed my head quite annoyed at this point.
As soon as I sat down for a short break to cool off a bit, a voice came from beside me that made me jump, “Hello there, you appear to be lost. May I help you in any way?”
It was a young man wearing what must have been a night class uniform. His voice was absolutely seductive, and it went with his looks perfectly. This was the boy that had peeked his head out of the Moon dorms the night before; the one they were calling Idol, or Aido. I wasn’t completely sure which his true name was. He had luxurious blonde hair, and blue eyes that tried to pull you into them. He had a slender build that even a model would be jealous of and he was tall too. Heck he might as well have been a model with the way he acted and looked.
“Please do hurry up in your answer this sun is irritating me,” he said shielding his eyes and looking up towards the sun then back to me. I didn’t realize that I had been staring at him for a few minutes.
I shook my head trying to clear it and then finally was able to speak, “Oh, sorry. Um, no I should be fine. I just needed a short rest. I was getting frustrated.”
“Well I was watching you for some time. You certainly seemed like you were lost,” he said gazing into my eyes almost as if trying to hypnotize me. He wasn’t completely failing at it either. I couldn’t take my eyes away from his even if I wanted to.
“How… could you have seen me? As soon as I made it here I sat down,” I said barely getting a clear thought through.
“Hmm, well aren’t we observant. And my goodness do you smell good… almost as good as Ms. Cross… I almost can’t help myself,” he answered leaning closer to me slowly.
I couldn’t help but move a little closer as well, as my head began to spin. I wanted to shy away from him but my body and mind weren’t completely cooperating with me at the moment, “T-thank you? Help yourself from what?” I was still quite aware of what it was he was saying to me, and my curiosity was still very much intact. I guessed that was a good sign?
“May I see you wrist for a moment?” he asked taking my arm and bringing it closer to him without my permission, “Mmm, that smell is so irresistible. Why must you humans be so tempting? Especially Ms. Cross for the longest time she has tempted us, but we aren’t allowed to touch her because of Kaname-Sama. But you on the other hand… He didn’t say that any new specimen entering the school… Surely you wouldn’t be missed, am I right?” He began talking to himself almost as if he were trying to talk himself out or into something. Naming the pros and cons of doing whatever is was actually.
“Excuse me?” I said trying to pull away after the last comment he had made.
“Nothing, just relax and allow me to partake in a little snack from this beautiful wrist of yours…” he said pulling my wrist his mouth and licking it lightly.
Alright everyone!! This is Officially the first part of Chapter 1 of Ice and Snow!! yays! I have decided to split it up a little more just to keep the suspense and in order to give me a little time to write the next chapters so you all wont get bored! I'll post the next part soon! So enjoy what's there so far!
Chapter 1: The New Girl
“Claire, I’m sorry Sweetie, but you’re going to have to go. There is absolutely no way around it!” my mom said as I stared at her in disbelief sitting in the front room across from her.
“But Mother, I don’t want to go! There must be a way around this. I want to stay with you, and stay here at my old school,” I stood quickly startling her. “Why don’t you make HIM leave instead of me? I mean I was here first!”
“There’s no way around it honey. You’re going to Cross Academy, and that’s final. You’re father and I-” I cut her off before she could finish her sentence.
“MY father is dead! He’s just someone here you decided to use to take his place. I’m not going to that stupid school he seems so intent on sending me to just so I’ll be out of both of you hair! That bastard shouldn’t even be in our lives right now! I don’t care about all these fancy things he has the money for! I’d rather stay the way it was before even if we were struggling to just put food in our own stomachs!”
“Watch what you say young lady! That ‘bastard’ has saved us from becoming homeless or worse. The least you could do is pretend to like him and give him the least amount of trouble you possibly can. You’re going to that school whether you like it or not.” She stood without another word or a glance at me, and left the room with me close to tears.
That was the day that my mother made the decision to make me leave her and my home. She’d just remarried, meaning I now had several new younger siblings; also meaning that she had no time for me anymore.
I had just only turned seventeen, and was going through one of those “phases”. You know the one where you hate your new step parent and think they are good for nothing outsiders, who’s only sole purpose for being there was to destroy everything that you had built with your actual parent? Well, I made the point to be sure my mother knew I disliked her new hubby very much. That alone could have been why she sent me away. She couldn’t handle the issues I was making over the whole thing. Either way, the next day I was packed and on my way to Cross Academy…
When I arrived I couldn’t help but stare. The school was huge; more so than I could have ever imagined. The Moon Dorms looked like a small castle or mansion, and the Sun Dorms looked remarkably the same. The only major visible difference is that the Moon Dorms had a gate in front and it look incredibly more expensive and better looked after. The main campus where all of the class rooms and the main office were located was at least fifty times the size of what I had originally thought. Of course most private schools were gigantic, but this was beyond all belief.
Despite the size of the place, everything was very easy to find. A girl named Yuki Cross, whom I later found out was the head master’s adopted daughter as well as a Disciplinary Committee Member, showed me to my room; which just so happened to be located right next to her room. I was given the rest of the day off to get situated and settled into my room.
“We are really happy to have you here Miss Ricci,” Yuki said using my last name.
“Thanks, but you can call me Claire if you’d like. I think it suits me a little better than my last name does,” I answered with a smile
“Well, Claire it is then. Get some rest. As I understand it, you had quite the trip here. I’ll see you later after class. If you’d like I can show you around the campus after I escort the night class to their classes tonight?” she said sitting in the door way.
My curiosity overwhelmed me, “Why does the night class need an escort?”
Yuki stiffened a bit and then relaxed, obviously hoping that I hadn’t noticed. There was a short pause as she thought, “Well… I guess I could show you. You’d have to meet me out by my class…. Or well I guess I could come and get you; I’d have to hurry though.”
A smile crossed my face, “Yes! That’d be so awesome! I’ll wait out front for you if you’d like!”
She couldn’t help but smile back at my reaction, “Alright then. Be there or be square. I’ll catch you later.”
Yuki started off out the door, abruptly stopping with a start. Again my curiosity got the best of me; I peeked out the door and caught sight of a tall handsome boy, about the same age as Yuki and myself. He had silver hair, wore the day class uniform (also like Yuki’s and mine), and a band signifying that he was a Disciplinary Committee Member; but the color of his eyes caught my attention the most. They were a vivid violet. I couldn’t seem to take my eyes away from his even though he wasn’t even looking at me. He was looking hard at Yuki, clearing intended as a scolding look. Yuki had an embarrassed look on her face.
I was finally able to take my eyes away from him and find my voice, “Yuki? Is everything ok?”
She quickly looked over at me, “Oh yeah, things are fine. I just wasn’t expecting to run into Zero is all; especially since he shouldn’t be here.” She shot him a bit of a scolding look back.
“Well I’m so sorry for trying to be sure you’re not late for class AGAIN.” He rolled his eyes unaffected, then motioned to me. “Who’s the new girl?”
I bit my lip a little as my cheeks tinted red slightly, “Um… My name’s Claire Ricci. Nice to meet you…”
“Zero Kiryu; Come on now Yuki. We are going to be late, and I’m not going to take the rap for it this time.” He turned his attention away from me again without any concern.
“Oh relax Zero. We’re going to be…” she glanced at her watch and jumped, “Oh my god! We’re going to be late! Sorry Claire, I’ll see you later! Take it easy!”
I waved as I watched her take off. That was the last that I saw of either of them for the rest of the day until the time came for them to escort the night class. I couldn’t get the sight of Zero Kiryu’s eyes out of my head. It was as if he had mesmerized me somehow without even trying to. I did nothing the entire time I had to myself.
When Yuki did finally come for me, the loud nock at the door startled me. I had been fiddling with a small ring that my mother had given me for my fifteenth birthday, and was startled to the point that I dropped it and nearly lost track of where it went.
“C-come in!” I called scrambling to retrieve my nearly lost ring.
Yuki slowly opened the door and peeked in at me as I searched my bed, having realized I’d lost it after all, “Are you ready to go... Is everything alright?” She noted how I was destroying my bed.
“Found it!” I exclaimed coming up for air from my blankets, “Ready as I’ll ever be!”
“Are you sure about that?” she giggled pointing to my hair.
I struggled to get up and ran to a mirror that had been placed in the room before I had arrived. My hair was stuck up in every direction from my little search only moments ago.
“Okay, maybe not. Just a sec,” I said rushing to my bags and began digging through its contents searching for my brush. After a moment I managed to find it and ran back to the mirror, and seconds after that I heard a small gasp come from the door way where Yuki still stood last I saw her.
“Zero I swear to god, you need to stop sneaking up on me!” I heard Yuki exclaim.
Curiously I turned and began blushing instantly seeing that Zero was looking directly at me as he began to speak, “And you need to quite wandering off so I don’t have to keep tracking you down. Let’s go.”
Our eyes locked for a moment and I noticed coldness in his stare that I hadn’t before. I couldn’t help but shiver.
“Oh relax, I’m only stopping to get Claire and then we were going to head straight there. Go on ahead if you’re so worried,” Yuki said rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, I’ll only take a second. I just have to finish brushing my hair,” I added in Yuki’s defense and turned back to the mirror to continue my simple task.
I could just barely hear a faint whisper come from Zero, clearly directed at Yuki and not for me to hear, “Why are you here getting the new girl? The last thing we need is another fan girl of those filthy blood suckers.”
Yuki scowled at him as I stiffened a bit, listening more, “I don’t think she’s going to become a stupid fan girl. Relax a little will you? It’s not like she’s one of the Night Class under cover or that she even knows their secret. I have a feeling she’s going to be more help later on.”
Secret? The night class had a secret? I had a feeling that if I stuck around I’d find out.
“Alright guys! I’m ready to go! I told you it wouldn’t take me that long!” I had cut zero off as he was about to argue with Yuki. She smiled at me not knowing that I’d heard their little conversation.
“Okay let’s go then,” Yuki pushed zero out of the door and then glanced back at me as I followed, “Are you a good runner? We need to hurry.”
“I can keep up,” I answered as we all broke into a run.
Within minutes we were already at the gates of the moon dorms. I now understood why the night class students needed an escort. There were hundreds of fan girls standing in front of the gates screaming the names of who I assumed were night class. Were they really this popular? There was no way so many girls in the day class were obsessed with the night class members. No matter how hot any of them may be.
The doors to the dorm slowly began to open and the face of an extremely handsome blonde boy poked out with a giant smile plastered in place. The entire group of girls began screaming.