Hai! Welcome to Vocapop! For fans of Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len, MEIKO, KAITO, Piko, Gumi, Luka, Gakupo, Miki, SeeU, Sonika (well maybe not her), genderbends, and all other Vocaloids!! Yes, those who love Utauloids are welcome, too.


Okay, so by now you probably know it's someone's birthday. Someone really famous, someone who most people love and make fun of? That's right. It's KE$HA's birthday! Wait, what? You were thinking of Bieber? Oh, yeah. Yay. So in celebration of KE$HA's (and Bieber's) birthday, please enjoy Len singing 'Baby' and Oliver singing 'Set Fire to the Rain'! Yeah, Vocaloids CANNOT sing KE$HA.
