Zac and Waffuru Make a Case

Let's talk about... over reaction. A short while ago, a picture was posted up on one of my favorite artist's blog. THE HORROR! IT'S FINALLY HAPPENED! HSM HAS INVADED KINGDOM HEARTS! NOOOOO! Of course, it turned out to be one funny April Fool's joke.

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Here are some of my favorite comments:

  • But … that's not real Disney …
  • If it ever did happen, the world would freeze over and we'd already know about it because of that. XD
  • Thats the new 3654/7 days right? why are the highschoolers dancing?
  • But seriously, if HSM shows up as one of the worlds, I may have to abandon the fandom...
  • Thank you for giving me a momentary heart attack. XD

Now... let's really consider the lulz. Can you just picture, in your head for a moment, the funnies? Just the total implication of the bad guys dancing it out in High School Musical? It's just too funny! No, really picture it. Saix shaking his groove thing while Roxas belts out just what he's feeling inside (which may or may not be nothing). Axel tries to mack out with Gabriella and somehow everybody can sing/dance/play basketball at the same time! Wildcats vs. Nobodies! Let the snapping begin!

You see, when you let your gut kick in, these are the things you'll over look. That initial "OMFG MY FANDOM" protection drive is strong, but sometimes you just gotta think of the Greater Good (which doesn't include killing muggles in our case). Opening up Full Metal Panic with a big name star like Zac Efron, under a big studio would give it a lot of press. Press means more people can get into the fandom. Weed the fangirls out and what do you get? Fans. You'll be bringing new people into the wonderful world that is anime and manga.