Welcome to the Anime Walk of Fame, a series of retrospectives on the many characters of the anime world. You'll see all your favorites along with a few that deserve more than their reputations give.

So sit back relax and enjoy the show.

Moonbay Transporter of the Wasteland

To jump start this feature for a bit, we'll be looking at underrated characters either a side character that doesn't get much attention or from any series that's slept on starting with Moonbay.

Moonbay is a transporter, a lifestyle she's happy with singing while travelling the wasteland in her Gustav, a heavily armoured Zoid strictly made for transporting large cargo and larger Zoids making her a trucker by trade.
She would later get involved with Van's mission to bring peace to the world as team mechanic and transporter, it also helps that she already knows Irvine but always had one eye aimed at returning to her trucking after peace was made but found herself reuniting with Van and Co after the time skip where she would later be the pilot of the Ultrasaur, one of the most powerful Zoids ever constructed to stop the return of Deathsaur.
This is a great example of how best to utilize supporting characters and giving them their own motivations, Moonbay is always an upbeat happy character living her best life, a point she makes when reuniting with a rich former lover, turning down a marriage proposal because she's married to her job and because said lover has what she dubs horrible taste in music.
That's Moonbay, a free spirit who is living her best life, she's respected by all who know her and is an important character who proves pivotal to ending the conflict, Western media can learn alot from this woman.

Leena is Absolutely Useless

When it comes to hero teams, I like to see each team member pull their own weight and as much as it memes to lump Sakura from Naruto into this category, Leena Toros is way worse.

Leena, also known as Rinon in the Japanese, is a member of the Blitz team, a Zoids fighting team in the New Century timeline, she's hotheaded and approaches combat with as many guns as humanly possible starting with a Dibison which is way more suitable for heavy weaponry, she provides the raw power to the agile Brad and the versatile Bit Cloud, except she's terrible at combat, she's usually the first to fall and even when she switches Zoids to a Gunsniper, she does even worse as the heavy weight armaments don't suit a Zoid designed for moving quickly and sniping, it is not designed to hold more guns than an army platoon, at this point I'm just embarrassed for her and the only reason she's not replaced is because 1. Her father owns the team and 2. The only other heavy unit is Liger Zero's Panzer armour which is too experimental to use effectively and renders the Liger Zero practically immobile, so yeah, not really a good character.
