Though I imagine since I'm seeing Gavrie for one of them... that's why.
That's what I think when I watch it too. :p And I imagine it's why Allamorph sent me the links to them in the first place. Heh. But yeah, that does give a good visual into how he fights. :p
Those videos are fun. ^_^ Though I imagine since I'm seeing Gavrie for one of them... that's why. >_> And that ends the random tangent that only the SD crew would understand. XP Hehe.
My gosh. Eleven minutes? Holy frikkin' crap. (^_^)
I was confused at the action pacing towards the beginning of the sequence. Montyoum had a lot of moments in the 3v3 carry-over where two or three characters weren't doing much at all; Kasumi lay on the ground for a good minute after Yuna shot her, and while I realize that's a little more true-to-life, he had stated in the details for DF1 that the girls could take massive amounts of damage without fazing too much, so I was curious about that decision so (relatively) early in the fight.
The falling sequence was absolutely amazing. I was totally impressed by the "Hitomi v. Tifa on the falling slab of rock" idea. And hooray for adding Rachel, Rinoa, and Kairi.
the first movie was too choppy for my tastes, it was hard to follow. the second movie kicked unbelievable ass though. the best parts were when they all fought whilst falling down the side of the tower, and the part where Tifa held off all 4 DOA girls by herself. and of course when Rinoa and Kairi (with Twin Keyblades!) show up. excellent and awesome!
Dr. Mama Cat. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/27/08 | Reply
Though I imagine since I'm seeing Gavrie for one of them... that's why.
That's what I think when I watch it too. :p And I imagine it's why Allamorph sent me the links to them in the first place. Heh. But yeah, that does give a good visual into how he fights. :p
Otaku Archangel | Posted 03/26/08 | Reply
Those videos are fun. ^_^ Though I imagine since I'm seeing Gavrie for one of them... that's why. >_> And that ends the random tangent that only the SD crew would understand. XP Hehe.
Spiritus Memorae (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
Let it be known that I love both my 19" widescreen monitor, and the F11 key.
Spiritus Memorae (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
My gosh. Eleven minutes? Holy frikkin' crap. (^_^)
I was confused at the action pacing towards the beginning of the sequence. Montyoum had a lot of moments in the 3v3 carry-over where two or three characters weren't doing much at all; Kasumi lay on the ground for a good minute after Yuna shot her, and while I realize that's a little more true-to-life, he had stated in the details for DF1 that the girls could take massive amounts of damage without fazing too much, so I was curious about that decision so (relatively) early in the fight.
The falling sequence was absolutely amazing. I was totally impressed by the "Hitomi v. Tifa on the falling slab of rock" idea. And hooray for adding Rachel, Rinoa, and Kairi.
Can't wait for the next one.
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
the first movie was too choppy for my tastes, it was hard to follow. the second movie kicked unbelievable ass though. the best parts were when they all fought whilst falling down the side of the tower, and the part where Tifa held off all 4 DOA girls by herself. and of course when Rinoa and Kairi (with Twin Keyblades!) show up. excellent and awesome!