What is the Watercooler?

It's a haven in the middle of a harsh, 9-to-5 world. A place where you can gather with your fellow human beings and bond over a paper cup full of cool refreshment.

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Damn, Spike's Enthusiastic!

Live-action Dragonball stuff I wanna share 'cause I think it's cool.

Alright, so ya know how James Marsters is playing Piccolo, right? Well, the guy is freakin' pumped about it. He was chomping at the bit the moment he got the part and has never let up steam. And honestly, I really think this is something that should give a lot of people a little more hope for this funny little experiment.

But don't take my word for it . . . horse's mouth from last month is right below:

If anyone's interested, there's also a neat bit of him during some event in Mexico from before they started filming . . . and yeah, he was excited about being Piccolo:


So again, this is really more encouraging than not, I'd say.
