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Yu-Gi-Oh Characters for President

Four years ago, when the 2004 Bush vs. Kerry battle for the presidency was the hottest news in town, one theOtaku member going by the alias of setokaibasgirl gave a hilarious article about what it would be like if Yu-Gi-Oh characters became the commander-in-chief. Thanks to the wonders of The Wayback Machine, I've managed to get an archived copy of that article for everyone to read, especially with the upcoming Obama vs. McCain vs. third-party bets battle of 2008. So enjoy!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Characters For President
By setokaibasgirl

Inspired when one of the questions on my biology test involved choosing an alternate candidate for President – rest assured, I did not choose any of these.

Seto Kaiba: Sure, he’s hot, an all around badass, and amazingly rich, but let’s face it, the only one of these that really falls under presidency is rich. And just imagine what Foreign Relations would be like. *cringe*

Yugi/Yami Motou: Heh…two presidents in one. When you consider that one of these is a pharaoh from Ancient Egypt (let me stress the word pharaoh) who’s lost his memories, this might not be such a good choice.

Joey Wheeler: This one is for obvious reasons.
Joey: *looking at button labeled National Emergency* Hey Yug! What do ya think happens if I push this button?
Yugi: *anime sweatdrop*

Téa Gardner: After getting about ten minutes into her acceptance speech (about friendship, no less), the crowd fell asleep. *snore* Foreign leaders cringed at the thought of having to listen to more; they were ready to do anything. (well, maybe that’s not such a bad thing…)

Marik Ishtar: Foreign Relations seems a pretty popular topic today. However, he seems to dominate this subject. As in dominating the foriegn leaders.
UN: We are your mind slaves, Master Marik.

Pegasus: Let’s just imagine for a moment what things would be like. First on our list, White House redecoration. Funny Bunny style. (run, as fast as you can)

Bakura: Shy, quiet kid on moment, maniacal killer the next. Talk about changing positions.

Mokuba: Headlines of the New York Times: President Kidnapped…Again.

Oh, and to those who are curious as to what I did put on my test, here it is: the little purple person who knows all, sees all, and forgets all...can't remember his name...Yes, I was feeling very random at the moment.

More Political Humor

Just some media I spliced together, thanks to a friend's suggestion. Enjoy!
