asdhfjdakl thankyou!! Ok I might ask for something not related to anime, but I hope thats ok^^ It might even prove to be an easier job for ya too, but definitely just let me know if its a problem...
I'd like icons of any of the following:
The Hobbit-anyone but I luvs Bilbo x3
Lord of the Rings-Legolas
BBC Sherlock-Sherlock or Watson
Avengers-anyone but Loki is boss x)
Cesar Millan or Sidney Crosby
They're some of my favourites!! :D GAH they're all guys >///<
Thanks a billion! :)
Oooh. Then I shall request...though I'm not sure if this will be really hard or not. >> Ummm ones of Gaius and/or Yarne from Fire Emblem: Awakening? And/or Rufus, Sterk, Esty, Meruru, Totori from Atelier Meruru. XD You pick and choose whatever is easiest. :) Thanks!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/09/13 | Reply
Can you make Aoki Lapis and IA icons?
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/07/13 | Reply
@Morbid Dollie:
Thankyou so much!!!!!!!!!!!! *huggles*
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/06/13 | Reply
Can be done c:
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/06/13 | Reply
@Morbid Dollie:
asdhfjdakl thankyou!! Ok I might ask for something not related to anime, but I hope thats ok^^ It might even prove to be an easier job for ya too, but definitely just let me know if its a problem...
I'd like icons of any of the following:
The Hobbit-anyone but I luvs Bilbo x3
Lord of the Rings-Legolas
BBC Sherlock-Sherlock or Watson
Avengers-anyone but Loki is boss x)
Cesar Millan or Sidney Crosby
They're some of my favourites!! :D
GAH they're all guys >///<Thanks a billion! :)
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/06/13 | Reply
AWW thank you. Of course! What would you like? C:
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/06/13 | Reply
Why thank you! Hey, long time no speak. How ya been?
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/06/13 | Reply
Sure, not a problem~
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/06/13 | Reply
WAH!!! You are awesome!!
do u think u could make me a few?? *U*
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/06/13 | Reply
Aww awesome requests^^ good luck
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/06/13 | Reply
Can I have icons for spike spiegel :) thanks :D
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/05/13 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
OK, I'll do my very best. xD I'm a bit rusty still but I'll give it a shot c:
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 04/05/13 | Reply
@Morbid Dollie:
Oooh. Then I shall request...though I'm not sure if this will be really hard or not. >> Ummm ones of Gaius and/or Yarne from Fire Emblem: Awakening? And/or Rufus, Sterk, Esty, Meruru, Totori from Atelier Meruru. XD You pick and choose whatever is easiest. :) Thanks!
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/05/13 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
Yes indeedy!
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 04/05/13 | Reply
Oooh requests? Is this for icons?
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/13 | Reply
Haha, of course dear <3
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Daemon Devourer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/13 | Reply
Can I has some of Milla Maxwell from Tales of Xillia 1 & 2 please? o:
Her and Alternate Milla. cx
Please and thank you~ <3
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/13 | Reply
Sure thing!
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/03/13 | Reply
Can I get any Sonic the Hedgehog characters??? *is in a huge Sonic phase*
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/13 | Reply
Can do.
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/13 | Reply
I've missed you too D:
Of course <3 I'll get them done ASAP c:
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/13 | Reply
@Zuzu Uchiha:
Of course c:
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Psychopath (Grand Otaku) | Posted 04/02/13 | Reply
Hitsugaya. I can, however, assume you saw this coming.
Ich such dich unter jedem Stein Wo bist du Ich schlaf mit einem Messer ein
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/01/13 | Reply
ASDFGHJKL MOTHER!!! ERHHHMAHGAWD MOTHER ITS BEEN TOO LONG!!!! I loved & missed you a billion!! I hope everything is going beautifully for you!
Oh, and if you have time, can you make Flower Boy Ramyun Shop & Flower Boy Next Door icons? THANK YOU LOVE!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Zuzu Uchiha
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/01/13 | Reply
never really asked people for icons before but can i get something with Itachi if thats alright i mean ^___^"""""