He's only a kid. I don't blame him really for any of this. I mean, it was his choice to smoke before. But that was out of curiousity, and just trying to look cool. He's only 16. It's just wronge to punish him, or any other kid, just for curiousity. He made a mistake, sure, but he deserves another chance. -nod nod-
saki 1234
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
@Star Crossed:
Ah! Thank you for agreeing with me!>><<
And double thanks for signing!~
Star Crossed
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/23/11 | Reply
I don't know this group, but I'm signing regardless.
That's just completely unfair! ><
saki 1234
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/29/11 | Reply
He's only a kid. I don't blame him really for any of this. I mean, it was his choice to smoke before. But that was out of curiousity, and just trying to look cool. He's only 16. It's just wronge to punish him, or any other kid, just for curiousity. He made a mistake, sure, but he deserves another chance. -nod nod-
Mindys Person (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/29/11 | Reply
that's so sad. even if they did tell him to do that, why would he agree to do that?