Welcome to my world!! I'm Aethelwynne and I'm glad you found me. This world is basically where I rant about the trials of an otaku's life or whatever else comes to my mind. Enjoy!!

i once took a quiz...

back before version vibrant, i took a "who's your shoma guy" quiz. and i got akito. that made me laugh. 'cause akito's obviously not a guy... but any way NeroNyx and i decided that if we were to cosplay as people from fruits basket she wanted to be shigure and i had called dibs on akito. now we often fall into conversations that sound somewhat like: "Yeah well i slept with the rooster!!!" "yeah well i slept with your mom!" i can only wonder what non-manga readers/ non anime watchers must think. oh we are often found yelling these things... in a crowded cafiteria or in the hall... but its loads of fun. isn't it hilarious Liana?
