The most annoying thing about that is that it doesn't usually pop up in your portfolio for a while. You could go into the section and change the display bar to 'most recent' instead of 'most active' or search for the tags you put with it...
I'll look for it too! Like Fun-chan said, try resubmitting it and see what happens.
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/13/08 | Reply
D: ah, damn it! stupid theO! be nice to What-chan!
If it gets deleted, you can still see it. I deleted the original Forgotten Dreams and I still see the option to add pages to it.
Try resubmitting it I hope it works! :O *hugs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
The most annoying thing about that is that it doesn't usually pop up in your portfolio for a while. You could go into the section and change the display bar to 'most recent' instead of 'most active' or search for the tags you put with it...
I'll look for it too! Like Fun-chan said, try resubmitting it and see what happens.
*kicks theO for being dumb lately*
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/13/08 | Reply
D: ah, damn it! stupid theO! be nice to What-chan!
If it gets deleted, you can still see it. I deleted the original Forgotten Dreams and I still see the option to add pages to it.
Try resubmitting it I hope it works! :O *hugs*