Trading Yesterday

Ok, well...I am slightly in Hopeless pathetic romantic mode. Due to an awesome friend's video, I looked into this one band am I think I'm in love. They are seriously an HPR band. Plus, they incorporate a bunch of different sounds, but at the same time still keep that "acoustic vibe". Plus, their lyrics are amazing. Once again, I have stumbled upon another band that has tapped into my frequency, being able to describe what I feel and what I wish to feel. They tug at my heartstrings and cause me to melt. Wow, I'm starting to sound quite ridiculous LoL
Well, lately I've been wanting to just be quiet. Talking, putting my two cents in, yada yada, today I just wanted to listen. I sat at the lunch table today, and was given the opportunity to be by myself for a little bit (that is of course, until my friends came). But, it was peaceful, and strange listening to all the voices around me that I usually don't get to hear because I'm too focused on other things. You'd think that hearing everyone talking all at once would seem chaotic, but they sounded distant, and yet you could still pick up on the other sounds. I've always tried to do this at other places, such as a mall or other place, and I always find it interesting.
How am I? I am good. How do I feel? I don't know how to feel, and if I do, I'm not sure why I feel the way I do. I'm not sad, but I don't know if I'm happy. I guess if there's an in-between, then that's where I've been for quite awhile now. Currently, I'm just waiting, for many things. I have to learn to not dread the unknown, not that I really do. I try to enjoy and take in every minute of life, so I guess I am one of those people who are willing to wait. Love is patient. Funny, that Bible verse has been following me lately. Maybe, GOD is telling me that I need to wait, and things will happen in time? I suppose...who knows. All of this couldn't possibly have happened due to coincidence.
Well, that's all my current rambling for today...sort of. I would like to mention a few things about art though. One of my guy friends said that art class isn't exactly true art, because we have to have assignments and what not, and we have to meet a specific criteria, etc, etc. This is very true. At first, I just brushed it off, but the more I contemplate on this, the more I come to realize that he's absolutely right. Well, for me, art is my method of expression. But, who is to say that art must be understood? Going though life, creating, writing, painting, singing, these are all ways of demonstrating how I feel, how we function, how we live. If art was intended for a means of expression, then why must there be rules of art? Why must there be barriers and psychological chains that cause you to feel limited because you must meet a certain criteria? I could go more in-depth with this, but at the same time, I wonder if the criteria is just a guideline, and in the reality of it all, your limitations truly are only to the extent of one's imagination. When it comes to creativity, that's how I like to view it, at least.

it rains in the city of love

All I can do is go on, moving forward...what else can I do? I can't dwell on what's been done, or else I will just be living in my yesterday. It's funny how things can surface, and resurface, so quickly. I'm making sure that I bury this now, and that it won't ever come up again. He was only out to hurt me anyways...
It's so crazy how fast I can fall, it's kinda scary really. I guess it's because of the music. Who knew that learning to love could hurt so much? It makes you so happy, and you want to see them happy, no matter what...even if that puts what you think is happy at stake. It gives me pain, but seeing them so happy, makes me happy just the bittersweet a thing love is.
