Sooooo... little Morning Emoth Bird, we know you are reading. Did you plan it, or was it subconsciously thought of? B3
Is the card player the one that holds the Heart?
Ohhh!!! Sounds So Cool!!!
Definitely wants to give it a try. ;D
Btw: You so nice to us Bats. You call us evil and everything, such a sweet complement. *Hugs Bird* X'3 Right fellow Bat Sister?
AND Which Nobody do you want in your pants! X'D; *is Gang Shot and Keyblade Hit*
Last edited by KiKaiya at 4:06:23 PM CDT on August 23, 2010.
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/24/10 | Reply
I thought is was funny cause I just got into Tarot, but now that you guys said's just weird. =///=;
And no, I have NOT decided yet so SHUSHY.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/24/10 | Reply
Yep, Yep. Tis. BD
Sooooo... little Morning Emoth Bird, we know you are reading. Did you plan it, or was it subconsciously thought of? B3
Is the card player the one that holds the Heart?
Professor Tardis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/10 | Reply
Y'know, 'The World' is a card in Tarot and....
hehhehheh the name of on of Luxord's weapons.KiKaiya
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/23/10 | Reply
The World! lol Poor Emoth Bird.
Deserved that, but it was worth it. @.@;
Valsing: *palm/face* Geez.
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/23/10 | Reply
Would everyone stop wearing mah pants?!
*hides Eternal Requiem behind back* Hehheh '^_^'
Aetas: Hey, that's my keyblade...D:
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/23/10 | Reply
Ohhh!!! Sounds So Cool!!!
Definitely wants to give it a try. ;D
Btw: You so nice to us Bats. You call us evil and everything, such a sweet complement. *Hugs Bird* X'3 Right fellow Bat Sister?
Which Nobody do you want in your pants! X'D; *is Gang Shot and Keyblade Hit*Last edited by KiKaiya at 4:06:23 PM CDT on August 23, 2010.
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/21/10 | Reply
Yeah, I know you and Ash would get such a kick out of this lolz
Professor Tardis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/19/10 | Reply
If I could shuffle my favorites on YouTube, I might do this...
Keyword being MIGHT cause, well my mind would kill me lol