Hi there,

I'm Ari(:

i'll post a pic for the intro soon! ( im in class xD )
so yes.
but here's a little about me just to get started.

Alias: Ari
Age: 14
Likes: Anime, anything from japan, drawing, writing, sugar, food, the sorts
Dislikes: gross food, bugs, dead animals, bad smells, people without a life, haters, people who dislike me for no reason.

Here's the deal:
* if you have no good reason to be mean to somebody, DONT be mean. i hate people like that.
* i also hate people who never shut up. and disrespect people. && are very nosey.
* i <3 comments and people who would love to be friends.!!
* i <33333 <3333 people who subscribe and favorite and comment (nice ones) on my work
* i think rules are stupid. so there are none for this world. blehh.
* im obsessed with someone, yes i'm a creeper. but hey, aren't we all?

somebody want to send me to a therapist.?

Do you have a crush right now?

What is your favorite color?
blacckkk..and the rainboww

What about your favorite animal?

Choose one ... ;) =) >:D :-{D

Did you ever have an F on your report card?

What about straight A's
YES (:

If you could go back in time and change one thing that you did, what would it be?
getting into that fight with my boyfriends friend that led us to break up :(

Do you enjoy singing?
yeahh but i suck and i never sing in font of anybodyy.

If so, has anyone ever told you that you can sing well?
HAHAHA ONCE. but i think they were lying.

Again...Choose one...<3 , ><> , * , @(^_^)@

Are you listening to music right now?
no, i has. scooby doo(:

If so, what song are you listening to?

If not, what song do you WANT to be listening to?

What is your favorite subject in school?
I WANT JAPANESE CLASS but i dont really have one, maybe English 1 Honors because she cusses out kids and is so awesommee.

What is the month of your birthday?

Do you like country music?
not at all,, but i have to tell the truth, i do have some on my ipod.

What about rock?

MEH. depends on whoo.

If you had to eat one fruit for a month straight...what would it be? oranges, bananas, grapes, apples, or kiwi? (or other)
start fruit(:

Do you like roses or tulips better?


Was the name that you just thought of a member of your family?
nooooo. hahah NOT EVEN CLOSE.

What about a close friend?
well. hes my exx. (: but were....were....close...

Ok...what about your crush?
................WELL I HAVE 2. haha its R and C (:

Do you watch SpongeBob?

What is the name of your best friend?

Do you like fish or chicken more?

Are you a vegatarian?
i would suffer horribly if i was.

What about your steak...Rare, Medium, or Well done (for me ... well done :P)
medium well :3

Did you like this random survey?
i guess. :

Last thing.....Pick a # out of these... 1,2,4,7,14
14 because its my age.(:
