Here I will rant, tell amusing anecdotes, and anything else I want to.
Animes/mangas I like, just in case anybody cares :D
Air, Avatar; The Last Airbender, Bamboo Blade, Clannad, Code Geass, Death Note, Fruits Basket, FullMetal Alchemist, Higurashi No Naku Koro (Kai), I Wish..., Inubaka, Kanon, Lucky Star, Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club, School Rumble, The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Tsubasa Reservior Chronicles, Vampire Knight
I haven't quite finished all of them. But, alas, whatever xD
Bolded represents my all time favorites. :)
It's the kind of day where you pour yourself cereal, think, "hey, there's not that much left--might as well finish it off," then end up with over twice the amount you wanted, but you eat it anyway, even as it gets soggier and grosser and turns into sludge, just because stopping would be admitting defeat, and you just really need to be a winner for once.
But then, inevitably, you get full and set the bowl aside, still halfway filled with soggy cereal, because deep down, you can't change who you are.
Hey guys, this has been a really, really tough week for me, but I'm looking forward to being a part of Secret Santa this year!
I would love to have something light and cheerful, simple and sweet this year. A few of my favorite subjects:
1) Tommy and Ash, as always. Here are a few more example pics of one or both of them: uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco. Sorry for the art quality....yeeeeah...
2) Anything Gravity Falls. Dipper and Mabel are my favs, obviously, although Grunkle Stan is definitely up there. I do relate most closely to Mabel, though, because we both knit and have kind of a wacky sense of humor.
3) I love Avatar; the Last Airbender (the cartoon. Not that other thing that never happened). As long as you don't draw Kataang, I am happy with anything!
4) Free pass! I love rainbows, blue skies, smiling sunshines, green grass, puffy clouds, cinnamon, making cookies/baking in general, trying to keep my potted plants alive, ice cream, sparkles, and glitter. I also love kittens, puppies, and ponies. I love anything and everything, and I will love whatever you decide to draw, Santa! If you're not particularly impressed with anything on this list, branch out and do what YOU want to do!
Thank you!
Edit: My SS did the most wonderful job!

Stolen from Himedere <3
Would You Rather
-Pierce your nose or your tongue? Prob. nose. Tongue piercings just scare me. How do you talk????
-Drink whole or skimmed milk? Skim
-Die in a fire or drowning? Probably drowning. It seems more peaceful. I WILL NOT BE A SACRIFICE FOR R'HLLOR asdlfkjasldkfjalsdkgameofthrones
-Spend time with your parents or enemies? I love my parents and get along with them pretty well, so the choice is easy: my enemies. LOL just joshin' ya. My parents all the way.
Are You?
-Simple or complicated? Bahaha I thought it said "single or complicated" and I was all, what, they're mutually exclusive? But yeah. I'd say I'm a pretty good mix of the two. -Depends on the situation, really.
-Straight, gay, bisexual, other? Straight!
-Tall or short? I'm just....average.
-Right handed or left handed? Right
-A lover of music or a lover of books? WHY MUST I CHOOSE? Hmmm. Both. Deal with it.
Do You Prefer
-Flowers or sweets? sweets
-Grey or black? Black--when you work out in black nobody can see the sweat stains ;)
-Color photos or black-and-white photos? Color
-Sunrise or sunset? Sunset (although I'm sure the sunrise is quite lovely, too. It just occurs before I'm willing to start my day)
-M&Ms or Skittles? M&Ms, no contest.
-Staying up late or waking up early? I prefer waking up early. Staying up late you just feel so tired and it gets worse and worse and worse, but when you wake up early, even if you're a bit sleepy at first, once you get moving it's like BAM I'm awake!!!
-Sun or moon? The moon is beautiful but the sun's pretty useful in its own right.
-Winter or Autumn? Autumn all the way. Favorite season! It means cloves and pumpkins and sweaters and fires in fireplaces and warm hugs and apple pie and leeeeaaaaaavvees <3
-10 acquaintances or 2 best friends? 2 best friends. Acquaintances are super awks.
-Rainy or sunny? Sunny, if I have sunscreen
-Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? is this even a question? Chocolate.
About You
-What time is it? 10:12 am
-Name? Rachel
-Nicknames? Rach or my snapchat name. I have no idea how it caught on.
-When is your birthday? December 8
-What do you want? Friends and family and a steady job!
-How many kids do you want? Either two or three.
-What would you name a girl? Chloe!
-What would you name a boy? Probably Matthew.
-You want to get married? More than you can know...but let's be honest, Chloe and Matt will probably end up being cats.
-What kind of music do you like? almost literally anything and everything. Except super new stuff. I don't listen to the radio much, so when it trickles down to where I live under a rock, it's not new anymore haha
-Nervous habits? I fidget.
-Are you double-jointed? nope
-Can you roll your tongue? Yes?
-Can you raise one eyebrow? I WISH (x1,000)
-Which shoe goes on first? Never thought about it. Whichever I grab first, but maybe right?
-Ever thrown something at someone? Girl, please. I was raised with three older brothers. You better believe I've thrown things (although usually not maliciously)
-On average, how much money do you carry with you? One time I had a hundred dollar bill. Excluding that, maybe somewhere around $15.
-What jewelry do you wear? A necklace sometimes and earrings usually.
-Do you twirl or cut spaghetti? A bit of both and a bit of neither. I'm not a pretty spaghetti eater.
-Have you ever eaten Spam? Nope, and that's okay.
-Favorite ice cream? French Silk...The combination of rich mocha mousse light ice cream with chocolate chips and a swirl of creamy vanilla mousse light ice cream is half the fat* and absolutely delicious. Or “delicieux,” in this case!
-How many kinds of cereal are in your cupboard? Maybe four? Only one is mine, though. #collegelife
-Car ride? Sunday. Rode back to the apartment with the roomie after some sort of meeting thing at our youth minister's house.
-Song played? Baba Yetu or Fast Car.
-Person you saw? One of my roommates. I'll probably see the other one in about eight minutes, though, 'cause our classes start at 11 :)
-Time you cried? Dang. I don't know. Probably a week or two ago when one of my roommates and I watched Eight Below.
-Fight? I've never had a serious fight, and I haven't even had a non-serious fight in a while. Does playful teasing count?
Uuuuuuggghhhh there's just so much left to do with this!
....hopefully I'll actually do it. If not, well, here's the incomplete version.

Game of Thrones, yo. The Hound, and archer guy, and Arya.
Finals are coming, life is busy, so on and so forth, bla bla.
In between studying, though, it would be fun to do some quick sketches/drawings. If you comment with a completely mundane sentence, I will try to draw a picture that dramatizes it.
Good luck in all your endeavors! <3