I'm not saying they're all dead...sorry if you took it that way.
most of the ones im in are....The alternates I understand why its a bit slow cuz its still starting but i wish the other ones would at least go a bit faster!
I'll check out that RP world see if im interested thanks :D
Aww, m-my RPing site is dead?! T.T That's quite depressing... We've just started and it's dead already. Dx
A RP world I am in that updates like crazy all the time (it's been slowing down a bit), is T.I.M.E Academy. It's really fun, you can just look it up in the otaku search bar! ^^ I have two RP worlds of my own that I'm trying to keep alive, and new members are always appreciated. :D
Last edited by Hulaberry32 at 12:33:57 PM CDT on August 15, 2010.
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 08/15/10 | Reply
Haha I was just joking. xD All the RP worlds I'm in are dying as well, but I'm getting pretty busy so I can't really post to keep it alive. ^^;
Here is a link, then~!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/15/10 | Reply
and I cant really find that world >.>
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/15/10 | Reply
I'm not saying they're all dead...sorry if you took it that way.
most of the ones im in are....The alternates I understand why its a bit slow cuz its still starting but i wish the other ones would at least go a bit faster!
I'll check out that RP world see if im interested thanks :D
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 08/15/10 | Reply
Aww, m-my RPing site is dead?! T.T That's quite depressing... We've just started and it's dead already. Dx
A RP world I am in that updates like crazy all the time (it's been slowing down a bit), is T.I.M.E Academy. It's really fun, you can just look it up in the otaku search bar! ^^ I have two RP worlds of my own that I'm trying to keep alive, and new members are always appreciated. :D
Last edited by Hulaberry32 at 12:33:57 PM CDT on August 15, 2010.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/15/10 | Reply
I might cuz i rly like RPing and the RP worlds are soooo dead!
I'll prolly start a gaia
Emperor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/15/10 | Reply
i havent seem much RPing in this site
not as much as ..e.g. gaiaonline
maybe if you want to join active RPing, join that site too?