AWLH: charater bios


Roni Nook

Age: Begining: 18 End: 20
Power: light twilight barrer
Theme: A Little Faster
Love intrests: Shadow, Liam, Greed,
Philiosophy: Dieing and Dieing in vain, is not an option (also the teams mato)

Tidbit: In the begining of the story Roni claims that she left for chaos academy, because she felt obligated to, truthfully she left because it was her own way of running away. She crves freedom and hates feeling weak. Her love life is very rocky, espesually with shadow. She enjoys to kill but hides that fact. She hold onto alot of pain and tentds to shut people out, the only people she ever lets in are Liam Shadow, Greed and most of all her older brother Hector. the only family member she keeps in constent contact with is her brother Hector, he knows most of her secrects and protects her at all costs. Roni is also being hunted down by Mephilies and Spade. At the end of the series she gets Killed by Damion, and is givin a second chance by Angel-Kun. she is brought back into another world with Greed.

Life stats at end: Dead, killed by Damion