This is where you can see our art before it hits theO! XD AKA sketches and other boring stuff!!

We accept crits at all stages~

Thanks for looking!! :D :D

CHainsaw [WIP]

I shrunk this down, its actually pretty giant XD
I like chainsaws~ :3
I actually really liked my paper sketch, so I might do two versions, PC and by hand :P

From L to R: Haruna(Kore Wa), Ayumu(Kore Wa), Grell (Kuroblahblahblah), Frederica (Black Lagoon)


Zombie and Sketch Decisions~!

Hi All! Maki went to bed so I made this world :P My To do list: 1. Zombie Contest - 65% done 2. Cherrishock's Art Trade - 15% done 3. YOU CHOOSE! So here is the zombie one so far!! I was inspired by...

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