(First of all, thank you for letting me post on your world Big J!
I didn't even realize that I was given that privelige until I checked my Backroom and noticed the link. ^^;)
Alright, has anyone else noticed that the main antagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series--with the sole exception of Malicifent--always has the combination of amber/gold eyes, tan skin, and white hair? Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome look when done in the fashion that Squaresoft has been doing, but why do they follow some immediate sterotype? Hec, even the old guy in the KHIII previews has that look! Come on; with the way he's acting in the previews alone just screams, "Hey, look at the villianous, bald wonder! Fear me!! Sarcasm aside, does anyone have any theories on the matter?
In the past I've wonered what it would have been like if you could have chosen whether to be a good sora or a bad sora in kingdom hearts. Recently I've realized that either way it would have been a lot funner killing heartless, than it would have been sending them after people. Many people would probably think 'are you kidding me, bad sora would be totally kick-A!' While others would simply ask 'would that be anything like that darkness form that sora has in kingdom hearts 2'(one would hope so). In the reality of this, giving good and bad sides or an "allignment" would have made the games take a very long time to make if they were to still have the same luster as the current games (which are awesome). So after a while of wondering I decided that the kingdom hearts games were perfect exactly the way they are and I hope that KH3 is just as good if not better, thank you for reading.