- Created By Rokko
Dear friends
My brothers have suffered, lost love ones, dying from unknown illness, the tragic love stories that plagued there lives and then left to wonder in their own drug induced minds. Yes, indeed its horrible but out of despair we found a new fellow, this man is different same as us but from a different universe. It was alright.
Do see? The fall into madness, where we withering and die despite being healthy in body, mind and soul. See the fall, see the ruin, feel the aw as you watch your brothers slip into their own entrapment drug infused cage like brain.
All Lates
I finally got internet in, took me all my young interests, now writing about my little troubles and messes that I might have gotten into but to be honest I got nothing.
Life is weird, but I guess it sends me hints to stop or slow down. Family members left from this world but that is normal and also I can't help it, most of the time I try not to act foolish yet I'm young and stupid. On the note of being stupid i missed out on a few conventions like anime and horror movies, but I did go to concerts, a little bit, about three punk bands and two country bands.
I rather not name them for fear of random people finding me and ask for money, any way, well my horrendous friends and back stabbing haters I do enjoy talking some random junk but I must cut this short.
It feels like years ago but only half of my life, too short it seems to be greedy. The trust they all had in me seem to break amd crumble with just a weak gust, no they get destroyed and dessovle with no trace to reform again. The love i have weathered and blew away, i guess its all the same. It was karma but the punishment wasn't enough, the heart grants the will to live and to die. Life went on but the memories remain, i destroyed within but just left the physical out look the same.
Simple, my words, lend the results and show how my progression, but the way everything truned out it dosn't matter at all. Latly we all accept it and say its water under the bridge, I am not the only one.
hey there
Hey there
Long time no see, even heard but still make good friends.
there was once a quotes written by Rumi, says "Give me wine and leave me alone".
I luagh at that every now and then just becuase i quit drinking like the end of october and the begining november, but cant say it was easy but i can say this my day of returning to drinking draws near. Seems rather pointless, Im trying to get fit but i will not quit the drinking. In the end I'm still young trying to get the partying out of my body and destroy my self in the processe, I would like to self destruct like one of the pok'e mons. Its funny I can say Im happy with my life yet be content with straggling the T.V. thats been giving me hell for the past month, in the end its ok.
Oh, the thing about the self destruction part it s more feeling the need to change. though people can say other wise I can tell you this I am not going away, not until I found out what I am and whats my some what purpose in this exstance. Though I have stoped drinking and not just drinking the drugs too, i wasn't too big on the drugs just somking. though I stoped i want to continue to experment with the subtences and drinking, not to destroy me self but to molde my self into something more a thing. I want to write my adventures and tell alot to you the reader if you are intrested, my crazy ride begains in summer of 2013.
I hope you look forward to it, thank you.
spilt self and reason
self titled
self titled
no words can describe how i feel, but then there is no need too
no one would care, there is no need for that
i'm crying but can't show my shedding tear, because there is no need for people who care to see i'm slowly dying
to pretend that i'm happy, i have no where to go
no where at all
i won't be missed
i love you
Sorry for begin stupid but thats how i became, is there a reason why they look for....
sorry for being a bummer