Hark and be of good cheer!
A kind, eccentric writer lives here!
Some serious works, some silly rhymes
Show the passing of life times
Stories therein, some words too
Poetry for the fanciful of you
Read on, good soul, and may you smile
And stay herein for quite a while


So another exam time, another year gone by, so time for some updates to my life story here.

Sorry I never get on anymore! but it's not like y'all really follow up on me, so I can't be blamed.

New beaux! I have a wonderful boyfriend so my depression should be lessening. That means more pretty pretty instead of gruesome. I shall refer to him as Piggy, since that is something I have been known to call him (he sees it as a compliment, pigs can be quite cute).

Poetry should be coming. I just need to find the time to actually root around and find it while I'm on. Perhaps someday soon.

I'll be travelling the last half of May, so plenty of stories to be told there I'm sure. I will try to journal for the good of all who read my works. I'm singing with a choir over there, so my energy levels might not be all that impressive.

That's what's new. I'll try to get on soon.

Hey Fandom

I haven't been on in a really, really long time. I apologize for that; I entered college and everything went haywire. I have been through one relationship that ended nastily and a fling that went nowhere in the past year. Now I'm in a very secure relationship with the sweetest and cutest guy EVER! I'll call him Piggy here, to keep with the anonymity thing. Piggy is keeping me from being too depressed, as well as reading anything that I write. Yes, I have a faithful consultant in my writing now!
I also met this year a wonderful young woman who is cowriting something with me. Wish me luck on this next project!
I do have more poems to put up here, but that might have to wait until Thanksgiving or even Christmas because I am very very busy.
Thank you for being patient with me and God Bless!

Never You Mind

I am working on a new story as well as typing out a couple of poems for you guys! Can't wait to show you what has been going on in this crazy noggin of mine!


So if you know me at all, you know that I'm pretty good at relational stuff. I'm not perfect, but I tend to give good advice.
So what happens when your life is tornado-spinning out of control? This stuff makes exams look easy.
I am having problems with certain friendships. I am having problems with myself and the ugly truth that in my core I am more selfish than I ever would like to admit. I try to hide my true selfish desires and sacrifice what I want for what is best, but lately I haven't been able to deny that part of myself. It's a cancer fatal to my soul and there's nothing I can do about it.
I'm tired and lonely and confused. I'm angry at myself.
I can't help but hurt people I love. I don't want to, I never want to, but it happens. I'm sick of it!

writers block in spanish

As I stare at the screen, grasping for an idea, that is when they all scurry into their dens for the winter. Nothing comes out to offer its assistance. Nothing steps forward to take a share of this burden beating down on my chest. I drown under the heavy load. I struggle for breath as panic envelops me. What am I doing? This is not my right. Not my mother tongue. Not my place. I struggle to pull myself over this panic, a too-small blanket that springs off me with too much excitement. Not even it wants to help me. I’m stuck with the worst bout of writer’s block I’ve ever known. Not even my own mother tries to help, not that I’ve given her much incentive. No one understands. Maybe I should just give up on college. Mom’d really flip if I did that.