Black, white... combination of those are the combination of our dreams. Dreams that one day we shall win this ever lasting darkness and keep the balance of the world as it is.

This is the world dedicated to Bleach and everything that follows around it.

The story goes on... With Omeyada!

Lol, actually not. It was just my thinking on the latest episode of Bleach, which was actually not bad. Yeah I know, a filler, but what can you do? It was a funny and interesting one and there is a hidden message in it for you kids *failed at giving advices* xD. But really, it is not that bad and the episode before that was a filler too, which I can't remember now... Ooh yeah, now I remembered, it was actually a funny and interesting episode too!

So for how long we are going to wait for the story to resume? Not sure, the next episode is a filler too and there won't be many more, but I don't mind fillers (as long as it is not a whole arc or two of it)!

And I think that manga goes well now and faster, so we shall probably see more interesting episodes soon! And while watching this last episodes, I just needed to go and download all the openings of Bleach. The songs and openings are just great, and very nostalgic too. And I watched several times that fight with Aizen and Ichigo. Lol, I know every sentence from it! xD

This is a little off topic, but I kinda feel sad for all those people there in Japan. They probably aren't now thinking on anime or anything like that, they have much bigger problems... I hope that it is not too much, and Japan already has before made plans for such things, so it will be alright, but still it is a huge tragedy there. Well, I am sure that it will be better and I hope that other countries and islands won't suffer the same fate! We can only pray, but that is already some big and good.

You can only guess what adventure awaits for Omeyada in this one...^^
