Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/11/08 | Reply
Haha, I was totally going to bring up the wrestling analogy in my comment. People might scoff, but it totally fits -- say two guys feuding REALLY hate each other. They won't calmly wrestle and hit moves like a regular match; instead, they'll beat the shit out of each other, and it will probably be incredibly bloody, because that is the story they are telling.
This also helped me along with the thinking process behind my Writers Bloc prompt response this week, so thank you for that, good sir.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
This was a great breakdown of the process, and I'll definitely come back to it when I'm writing my fight scenes. Awesome post, good sir!
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/11/08 | Reply
Haha, I was totally going to bring up the wrestling analogy in my comment. People might scoff, but it totally fits -- say two guys feuding REALLY hate each other. They won't calmly wrestle and hit moves like a regular match; instead, they'll beat the shit out of each other, and it will probably be incredibly bloody, because that is the story they are telling.
This also helped me along with the thinking process behind my Writers Bloc prompt response this week, so thank you for that, good sir.
Love thy Evangelion.