small towns are much worse. stay where you are. people are so bored in small towns, and they're not used to diversity. you'll get eaten alive for not dressing the same. i know this, i have done this.... and it's even worse, because everybody knows everybody. this = rumors are known by everybody. trust me. my high school has only about a thousand kids in it. it's not fun. at all. though i will tell you, ohio sucks. get out, fast!! hurry, my child!!
Yeah and the guys I know act up in my favorite teachers class, Which makes me angry today we were studying for our big Achievement test deal today in her class and they were acting like fools. I told my teacher that I was going to work alone and refused to be in their group.
Me too, I can't stand people nowadays. My first hour people are so rude to the teacher that sometimes I just wanna punch them so hard in the face, that they'll start bleeding all over the classroom floor. They are just unmature...
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/24/11 | Reply
Aw. that's one thing I can't stand at my school.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/24/11 | Reply
@Blood Moon Wolf:
grrr!! alabama.... i've never been there.
Blood Moon Wolf
Bloody (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/22/11 | Reply
I know! But where Im going wont be much better haha! I want to go to Alabama -w-'
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/21/11 | Reply
small towns are much worse. stay where you are. people are so bored in small towns, and they're not used to diversity. you'll get eaten alive for not dressing the same. i know this, i have done this.... and it's even worse, because everybody knows everybody. this = rumors are known by everybody. trust me. my high school has only about a thousand kids in it. it's not fun. at all. though i will tell you, ohio sucks. get out, fast!! hurry, my child!!
Arctic Summer
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/21/11 | Reply
@Blood Moon Wolf:
That's good choice you decided to work alone. I wouldn't stand it.
Blood Moon Wolf
Bloody (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/21/11 | Reply
@Arctic Summer:
Yeah and the guys I know act up in my favorite teachers class, Which makes me angry today we were studying for our big Achievement test deal today in her class and they were acting like fools. I told my teacher that I was going to work alone and refused to be in their group.
Arctic Summer
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/20/11 | Reply
Me too, I can't stand people nowadays. My first hour people are so rude to the teacher that sometimes I just wanna punch them so hard in the face, that they'll start bleeding all over the classroom floor. They are just unmature...