Umm... hello. It seems as thoough you've entered my new realm. I'm not very good at these intros. So all I'll say is welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay.
Signed by: Xerin
Music and a Picture
Umm... hello. It seems as thoough you've entered my new realm. I'm not very good at these intros. So all I'll say is welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay.
Signed by: Xerin
Music and a Picture
Holy hell I won the challenge!!!! *In an odd sounding normal tone*Yaaaaaaay *just cheers like a retard* Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, Yaaaaaaaaaaay, yaaaaaaaaaaay.... *with some feelin now* HOOO-AHH! HO YEEAAAAH!!! LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL OF THOSE ENTERING CHALLENGES, THAT I HAVE ARRIVED! XD FEAR MEH AND THE AWESOME KNOWN AS MY ART! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA
*plays Final Fantasy victory song* Doodoodododedoodoodedoo Dedoodoodoodedoooooooo